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projectmin_25 July 12th, 2006 16:14

my ak 74m(which i just recieved aout 2 days ago) WILL NOT FIRE. i went out side put about 40 rnds through it, and then just stopped. i think it could be an electrical problem but im not sure. so please help..and if you know what to do and how to fix and encountered the problem themselves please PMl me

sinc. bobby

GMTII July 12th, 2006 16:30


Greylocks July 12th, 2006 16:36

Was your battery fully charged? Did you test it? Is there any sound/movement/clicks when you pull the trigger?
What exact brand is your AK?

GMTII July 12th, 2006 16:44


JacoNB July 12th, 2006 19:21


Originally Posted by Greylocks
Was your battery fully charged? Did you test it? Is there any sound/movement/clicks when you pull the trigger?
What exact brand is your AK?

Oh, God, I hope he says "WELL". :D

projectmin_25 July 13th, 2006 13:18

battery fully charged.. no clicks no sounds except for the motor and the gears...i had it in full auto just fireing some ammo . then it just shuts down. i discharged the battery and recharged it...and still no luck.

projectmin_25 July 13th, 2006 13:18

oh and its an ics

Greylocks July 13th, 2006 14:05

You are not being clear.

Is there any sound or movement at all?

If the motor does not even try to move; check the fuse.
If the motor tries to move, have someone competent check your mechbox.
If you have a multimeter, check the battery fully. Or if your battery charger is a good one, cycle the battery a few times.

projectmin_25 July 13th, 2006 14:25

how do i check the fuse. and the motor did not moove at allllll. solid as a rock.

Greylocks July 13th, 2006 15:08

If you cant find the fuse, you really need to find someone skilled anyway. Ask local experts.

PTE. Pyle July 13th, 2006 15:27

is the safety off? sorry couldn’t resist, the fuse is in the stock, you may be able to see is with a flash light. probably will have to remove the stock to pull the wires through although if your not mechanical at all find a gun doctor or send talk to the people that you bought it from as they may return the gun and send you a new one, assuming you didn’t bugger it in any way.

projectmin_25 July 14th, 2006 01:25

yeah it was the fuse. thanks guys.

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