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Airsoft In Retail Stores
So I've seen Crappy Tire airsoft...
I've even seen WalMart airsoft.... Shit, I've seen those dollar store airsoft guns too.... But.... Today knock-off airsoft reached a new low. I walked into the local 'San Francisco' store. For those of you who don't have the honeor of little biddy gracing your local mall, let me explain. This store is filled with cheap, crappy, shitty products of all shapes and sizes from your local asian sweat-shop. Imagine 'Spencer's Gifts'.... well, this is the original version of that store.... except that Spencers actually has somewhat funny and entertaining gifts, not cheap knocked-off shit. Just what will you find at the SF store? A collection of about 50 INCREDIBLY sexist and racist shirts, bongs, pipes, rolling papers, those shitty plaster-cast statues of an Eagle's head blowing out the side of a dream-catcher. Anyhow, I digress, as usual............. I recently walked into the FS store today... walked past your typical collection of $150 pocket-bikes, the big glass cabinet of blunt shoddily-made swords, and past a wall of plastic guns. WHOA.... back-peddle a sec! Plastic guns?! What the shit are these doing here? Don't the owners of this crappy little company know the clientelle that is frequented in here? Yours truely excluded... [/end ego]. This is the location in the center of town, on the edge of 'The Slums' where the down-and-outers typicall reside and die from heroine OD's. Right when I walked past, I saw two little kids about 15 or 16 years old gawking at the guns saying (not a SINGLE world of a lie) "dude, we could scare the shit out that fucker at the Macs store" (7-11 style of store). Longer story short... I bought two. hahaha A CYMA pistol of some sort (hey, $18 for a laser with pressure sensor, 50 bb's, and a rail-mounted light... can't go wrong! the pistol is just an added extra) along with a WELL brand M16 springer for $40 (heh heh, I should simply sell it to some Just-18'ers saying it's a GREAT gun.... hell, I could probably make $100 off of it!) So there ya go, watch out for even MORE shitty bb guns to flood out onto the streets, thanks to the San Francisco stores of Canada. GO CANADA! |
San Francisco?? You've got to be kidding me. LOL I thought they exclusively sell like halloween costumes and party apparel.
And over-all shitty products that are mass produced by the million and horribly put together and equal to those late night commercials for 'start your own business!'
And so on. |
I remember walking into a San Fransisco store when I was little and seeing a rubber ***** on a shelf. Not knowing what it was, I picked it up and showed it to my mom and she just about had a heart attack lol. It shut down a few years later though.
You know once these types of stores started selling knock off swords and daggers it was really only a matter of time before they started selling crappysoft aswell. Hell, I've run into the occasional dollar store that sells "airsoft". |
You know, if they have them locally, I may buy a few to use as display pieces in the courses/demos I give.
SF has SOME funny shit BUT most of it (like 99.99%) is junk and crap. I would have loved to see those kids get tried for robbery at the macs store, but it probably won't happen. You've got some fucking retarded kids out there doing stupid shit because they think it's funny and they don't realize the concequences like a "criminal record" for example *gasp* now they can't get a good job, they have to work crappy ass jobs on graveyard shifts, living a few dollars above the poverty line.
SF, I salute thee for seperating the retardedly dumb from the general public! :salute: You know honestly when I saw that this thread had to do with SF stores I was seriously hitting my head on me desk. "Oh god! They found away to make a dildo shoot BB's!"... -.- |
Aquamarine-- I did the same damn thing but here in kingston its San Diego, Pretty much the same as San Frandisco. I lost it out side the store, because kids always enter this place to buy cheap bongs and now they have access to the softair guns, I too did a double take and when I did I noticed M4 with the sliding stock off, some sort of glock and a couple more pistols.
The reason why I lost it was this little store is in our major mall and its 16-17 yr old kids working there so they wont/don't check ID's I know because I watch kids buy the bongs all day. Plus the guns are cheap- $10 for the Glock, 20 or 40 for the rifle. If we have to do that legal shit again to prove what airsoft is so we can legalize it instead of being in a gray zone, We have to make sure we tell who ever the difference between soft air and airsoft. Anyways my rant |
Went, saw, got one of the cheap Well M4s they sell.
At the store in Orleans, they will not sell to anyone under 18, and ask for ID, name, and address/phone number. They are painfully aware of kids asking to buy those to screw around. As airsoft guns go, they are pretty crappy. But for simple display/demo where just looks are needed, they do the trick. At a game, I would not trust that gun to do anything except make the opponents laugh. |
I have never heard of this "San Francisco" store. If this store is in Ottawa then il be damned, cheap stores equiped with cheap airsoft = not good. I don't know where this store is, so if it is in Ottawa or around Ontario then maybe we should expect to see cheap airsoft popping around other stores around the area as well.
Man I sure hope this doesn't end in disaster... |
Black_Orchid wrote:
cheers :-D |
I'm surprised it's taken him this long :rolleyes:
It's San Diego at Place d'Orleans.
And as said, they ask for ID, and take down your coordinates. They will not sell to anyone under 18, and they check pretty well as they are used to idiots who want to buy knoves and swords. |
It good to hear they are asking for proof of age, unfortunately with it being in there I can see more parents buying them for their kids still (more so then Crappy Tire and Wallworld as they are most likely more visible (not everyone walks down the gun aisles).
Should be interesting to play some games at the Ottawa fields though with all those around now :P I know its fun shooting at Aqua with his spring shotty when his G36 runs out of ammo. |
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