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Ace of Spades© May 27th, 2006 20:56

Private Military Contractors
The snipers have a thread and so does most of the other big armies that people depict in there kit, so what about mercenary contractors and independent operators.

I was just wondering if anyone had a contractor kit, apart from the lads from Sweden. If you do, feel free to post pics or links to your pictures. Personally, with them being in Iraq right now, it would be a really nice add-on to a milsim...

For those that don’t know what a Mercenary Contractor is, you can read up on it here .

Also, I found a cool trailer for a documentary of contractors in Iraq, here is the link .

NOTE: I am starting this thread only to discuses contractor kits in airsoft, please do not post about your political views on them.

yanhchan May 27th, 2006 21:05

LOL my "Kit" is basically a black T shirt with a FLC Molle vest, along with my M4, and Woodland pants....nothing special...I'd say put on a hat for good measure...

pugs144 May 27th, 2006 21:08

Anything goes with regards to contractor kit but chest rigs and plate carriers seem to be the norm. Oakley's and ballcaps are de rigeur.

Ace of Spades© May 27th, 2006 21:14



Originally Posted by yanhchan
LOL my "Kit" is basically a black T shirt with a FLC Molle vest, along with my M4, and Woodland pants....nothing special...I'd say put on a hat for good measure...

Well, I guess your right. A little while ago, I was surfing and saw a bunch of guys wearing MultiCam and it said, "Contractors in Iraq..." (note, I am not talking about the people from Sweden)

Hum, no ones see's a kind of interesting factor it might add in an milsim?

yanhchan May 27th, 2006 21:29


Originally Posted by Ace of Spades


Originally Posted by yanhchan
LOL my "Kit" is basically a black T shirt with a FLC Molle vest, along with my M4, and Woodland pants....nothing special...I'd say put on a hat for good measure...

Well, I guess your right. A little while ago, I was surfing and saw a bunch of guys wearing MultiCam and it said, "Contractors in Iraq..." (note, I am not talking about the people from Sweden)

Hum, no ones see's a kind of interesting factor it might add in an milsim?

Well the thing is we play the games and contractors are still on the Analog not much difference.

R.A.T.M._JLD May 27th, 2006 21:43

JacoNB May 27th, 2006 21:43

I think it's a cool idea, it could give you a reason to invent a whole character and a background, etc. Might be kinda neat.

I've got a mish-mosh of gear that I'd love to use, a black LBV with DPM British BDUs, a drill cap and not a helmet... and I'm probably going to buy an M4, not an SA80. Being an "independant contractor" might actually justify that discrepancy. :D

Ace of Spades© May 27th, 2006 22:06

Make sure you go 2 weeks with out shaving to look the part.

JacoNB May 27th, 2006 22:12


Me, two weeks without shaving and my jaw looks like an old man's ballsack. :D Not very intimidating. lol

Cougar PMC June 5th, 2006 11:16

Hi guys!
Im new here, played AS for four years now in Sweden.
Btw, Im 28 years old. :salute:

I do play as a PMC (Private Military Contractor).
Not the "Hill Billy" type but a professional PMC.

After lots of ours by researching I found my way...., lots of 5.11, BHI and Maxpedition in a yet "controlled" and "usefull" mixture.
Ive spoked to a few, and read articles from PMCs, about the gear and weapon choise.
They say that there is both "The overloaded" as well as the more "Sennsed" type of PMC out in the field.

My choise of gear and weapons are like "professional security company"... I have not an overload of gear, but shure, there is a whole lot of good stuff in my lines! :cheers:
Its quite expensive line when you have brands like BHI, Maxpedition, 5.11 and on top of all a custom built Blackwater m933 RAS.

We have a game next weekend, perhaps I can provide you with som pics after the game, if you want?

Sorry for my bad English....

Cougar PMC June 5th, 2006 11:51

Here you go:

A nice documentary.

Doc.Lavoie June 5th, 2006 13:03

nice docs Cougar

I was lookngi at the descriptions and picture at, to me, those mercenary look like Guerrilla soldiers :smack:

Ace of Spades© June 5th, 2006 18:23

Very nice documentary and great find Cougar. Be sure to post those pics of the game, and maybe some links to the sites you used for your research. Could you give us a read-out of what you put together?

Cougar PMC June 5th, 2006 23:17

Sure, first some insperation!
Dont forget to look at details in gear and weaponary in the movies and pics.
Except from the 60min docu and the teaser above ive found this:

Great sites from the "Big ones" that I like:

Great "Reel Steel" (RS) Gear:

A must for all airsoft PMCs:

Some mixed Vids with PMC/Merc fotage:

Mixed sites: (Video with PMC clip inside).

Then I got info and pics from and
PMC (Private Military Contractor)
PSD (Private Security Detail)
Civilian Contractor
Security Contractor..... and so on.

The S.W.A.T. magazine, which I subcribe on, have had some great articles about the Civilian Contractor. From tactical training to "guns and gear of the civilian contractor", thats great stuff to read.
* If some one want, I can refer to numbers so you can order "backissues".

This is some of the material, theres a great deal of info out there.
Hope you like some of it any way!

DuffMan June 5th, 2006 23:52

I think the 'mercenary' tag is a bit inaccurate. Many would be offended by it. PMC is more than adequate as a title.

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