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firemachine69 May 9th, 2006 23:51

Dam airsoft...
Will this addiction never end!? :-(

Just ordered some basic stuff off of airsoftshooting (Ebay):

1x Systema Shims
1x PDI 120
1x King Arms Red Dot with cantilver mount
2x KJW G23 mags
1x Action G3/MP5 weaver base
1x cheapo loading tool (now that I remembered how easy I broke the last one, I should have ordered two)

Arg, and there's still that 6004 Holster I wanna pick up!

SO what's your recent order for accessories? I've noticed accessories tend to be the most expensive items, they're cheap on their own, until you see the total.

LUTNIT May 10th, 2006 00:04

$610 on WA SVI 5.0 accessory purchases dont compare, had to lock my wallet in a drawer to not be able to hear its crying.

Did spend maybe $120 on OD cordure, webbing, and velcro as well as many buckles, ladder locks, and heavy duty synthetic thread for making custom gear (still cheaper than buying the stuff, wont be as nice, but will still work).

Want to pick up a 1.5-3x bushnell shotgun scope since the current 3-9x (came with the gun in a package) seems a little overkill for airsoft ranges, going to cost me $125 but damn does it have great eye relief, its like a damn reddot sight...but with magnification!

I kept rough track of my total spent on airsoft, I'm just over $4000 and yet I've only spent $1600-1800 on guns...accessories are killer.

Kane May 10th, 2006 00:09

Gear's the worst... guns are cheap! Once you start purchasing good quality gear and the like, you'll feel the burn.

Kokanee May 10th, 2006 00:13

Since christmas:

Sord Hardface Jacket
TM P226 +1mag
Tm M14 +4mags +$200ish of internals/scope mount + 4x mag pouches
Sapi plates
propane adapter
SL 6004 P226 holster is on the way....

damn i gotta slow down a bit!

firemachine69 May 10th, 2006 00:18

The 6004 will be the big one that'll really hit the wallet. Still got a one point sling to pick up as well.

Batman May 10th, 2006 00:23

yawn ;)

pugs144 May 10th, 2006 01:53


Originally Posted by Batman
yawn ;)

:D :D :D :D

Lakonian May 10th, 2006 12:07

blowing $500+ on WA svi expert this week... >_O;;;

gallantcorey May 10th, 2006 16:11

Since Christmas:
New G19 + Metal slide
BHI Issak
Crane Stock
DPM pants
Bolle T800's
A box of Star Mags
A C8 Metal Body
3 point sling
Camel Back

And yes I agree, gear is the worst.

Hades May 10th, 2006 16:48

Since X-mas

TLP Charger
8.4v 2400mah large battery
8.4v 600mah small battery
TM M-14 (OD) with basic bushings and spring upgrades, 4 extra mags and sling
TM HiCapa 4.3 with 1 extra mag
Phantom Sling
Custom Cadpat vest ($275)
Cadpat Holster
Trigger Happy Silencer
7 Armalite Mags
3.9x 40mm Rifle Scope
Aimpoint Replica
Forward grip for M4
Cadpat Hydration pack
Rifle Case
Gear Bag
OD Knee Pads
Come this monday a fully upgraded (500fps+) APS2 ($600)

Shrike May 10th, 2006 16:59

I find the fashion show aspect of the sport to be annoying. Spending so much on BDU's is killing me. And I don't even have CADPAT yet!!

BuSaPuNk May 10th, 2006 18:02

that is just cause your a lanky bastard jeroon i would like to get some cadpat in tall mofo size please....lmao...

my list of gear just in the past 6 months..
-cadpat south african vest
-kjw m9 mag
-acu bdu's and boonie
-large battery and small to large adaptor
-4x mag mp5 90rd mags
-od bag

god i need to payoff my visa before i get anymore gear.....being poor sucks....

Identity May 11th, 2006 18:24

Dude, airsoft is freaking addicting. 2 grand and still counting...

Nervikaire May 11th, 2006 18:36

since christmas? omg...
easily over 3k in parts (internals, frontends etc)
Surefire M3-CB
BHI recon chest harness
BHI DOAV vest with pouches
to come within next month:
EOTech 552, desert boots/gloves (dunno which one yet), SPR

At least, I always end up reselling loads of stuff because i change my mind often on setups :p

Lt_Crazy May 11th, 2006 21:18

Its worst than a drug since march (by the way I started playing around X-mas)

Upgrades for P90
TM SR-16 + upgrades
drum mag
double c mag
3 x m16 midcaps (canadian)
..............and the list go on.......if only my Gf would know..
I'm so wiped

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