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madmax_3chimps April 10th, 2006 23:22

Holster Solution for Desert Eagle
Any suggestions / experience with working holster solutions for the Desert Eagle? Prefer drop-leg or hip (vs. shoulder, cross-draw, etc...). Prefer something 'stock' vs. custom (i.e something I can find & buy).

Cheers -

Pyro April 10th, 2006 23:31

HSGI Drop Holsters can be fitted to Desert Eagles

madmax_3chimps April 11th, 2006 07:39

Thanks Pyro - that looks very promising - appreciate the link (I hadn't heard of OPTG).

I'm going to hold out to hear whether any of the Blackhawk holsters will fit the Desert Eagle because I can acquire them locally... but if I need to go mailorder OPTG looks good.


Farmboy April 11th, 2006 07:42

Or you could go here for your HSGI. :D

madmax_3chimps April 11th, 2006 12:01

Ah excellent! I've been out of the game for a while - didn't know about you and prefer shopping locally (i.e. not the U.S.).

I'll be in touch - thanks.


JustLink Studios April 18th, 2008 03:56

How about a desert eagle holster.

CrunchBite April 18th, 2008 10:15

blade tech

Endymion April 18th, 2008 10:35

Knee crow.

However, while this thread is up again I will vouch for Blade-Tech. Picked up two of their holsters for DE and they're great. Also fantastic is the SEALS 4.0 Special Operations Holster. It's made by Eagle and quality is top notch. Fair warning though, the weight of the DE may shift the holster around depending on how you have it set up.

If you're going to go leather, you might as well look into some of the custom holster makers out there. It's fairly overkill though for an airsoft DE.

Apoc_ April 18th, 2008 13:00

Ebay. I picked up a shoulder, hip and drop holster from the same guy. Combined shipping and a double mag pouch for my belt came to ~$70. Granted the shoulder hoslster is super low end but the other 2 are fine.

Duckman April 18th, 2008 13:30

bhi has a drop leg specifically for the mk23 but it works with the deagle as well. i have both and both fit fine once you tune the retention balance for the thumb break. might be harder to get that particular drop leg since it is older. check out the nichols in your area since they might be able to order it in. that's where i got mine from.

Cosmonaut 1 April 18th, 2008 15:03

Xtreme-Tactics has the MK23 holster in stock. And +1 to duckman, I have the holster and MK23 and DE fit great.

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