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Bbpellet February 20th, 2021 06:19

Switch bb/pellet to airsoft? C21
I have $1000 worth of bb and pellet guns/rifles but with this crap 21 law coming, i worry about keeping my collection. I really don't need a criminal record or something right now.

Should i just get rid of my bb/pellet collection and move to airsoft ? My understanding is that even airsoft falls into the same prohibition replica category but who knows, they may decide to tolerate airsoft more than bb

My small bb/pellet guns, will they lose their value ? I know we won't be able to sell our collection but if the liberal lose the next election, we may again trade those toys. (Presuming the conservative dish the law)

Keep my collection or sell them before its too late?

666 February 20th, 2021 06:43


Originally Posted by Bbpellet (Post 1853447961)
I have $1000 worth of bb and pellet guns/rifles but with this crap 21 law coming, i worry about keeping my collection. I really don't need a criminal record or something right now.

Should i just get rid of my bb/pellet collection and move to airsoft ? My understanding is that even airsoft falls into the same prohibition replica category but who knows, they may decide to tolerate airsoft more than bb

My small bb/pellet guns, will they lose their value ? I know we won't be able to sell our collection but if the liberal lose the next election, we may again trade those toys. (Presuming the conservative dish the law)

Keep my collection or sell them before its too late?

Who are you going to sell it to? Most enthusiasts already know about C-21. If C-21 passes you will still be able to legally possess your collection, plink in the basement etc. but if cop asks you about it for any reason you'd have to surrender those guns without compensation but criminal charges will be brought up against you. So unless you are trying to buy/sell/loan any of your stuff there won't be any legal trouble. Keep it under lock and key, keep your mouth shut about it and hope that we will eventually see light at the end of Liberal tunnel. And no, airsoft will suffer same faith as pellet guns if bill goes through.

venture February 20th, 2021 08:17

IF this passes then airsoft will be like it was in the early 2000's. Underground. Airsoft items will be smuggled into the country and a black market will develope with buyers simply stating that they owned a particular item before the ban. Airsoft will thrive, but will probably shrink again.

666 February 20th, 2021 08:35


Originally Posted by venture (Post 1853447964)
IF this passes then airsoft will be like it was in the early 2000's. Underground. Airsoft items will be smuggled into the country and a black market will develope with buyers simply stating that they owned a particular item before the ban. Airsoft will thrive, but will probably shrink again.

Difference is back in the day we were not at risk to have our property seized when we played at a legit field. My guess is, if a person gets busted at a field/their home and police take all their airsoft they will probably make a note of some kind so if that same person will be found in possession of airsoft again than it might not end up in just a seizure. Things were not prohibited, one without proper license just couldn't import it. AFAIK there is another big difference. Back in the day customs would just take the stuff and destroy it, C-21 will allow criminal charges to be brought up if person found to be illegally importing/buying/selling/loaning airsoft.

Bbpellet February 20th, 2021 12:11

What if we all get our PAL? a PAL doesn't help does it?

So if you have a PAL license, if you store 'say' a real 22mm hunting rifle in your gun safe locker, having an unregistered bb rifle next to it is still ok because they are both rifle.. but not if you have a bb/airsoft beretta .?
Because a beretta is not a hunting rifle.. correct?

666 February 20th, 2021 14:11


Originally Posted by Bbpellet (Post 1853447966)
What if we all get our PAL? a PAL doesn't help does it?

So if you have a PAL license, if you store 'say' a real 22mm hunting rifle in your gun safe locker, having an unregistered bb rifle next to it is still ok because they are both rifle.. but not if you have a bb/airsoft beretta .?
Because a beretta is not a hunting rifle.. correct?

Air guns/airsoft that is not a firearm will fall under prohib category which will require you to have license in order to avoid confistaction. License you cannot get because it does not exist. Nothing to do with what bunch of us have. Not a PAL. Only thing you can do really, if you want to be 100% legit with your collection is to get a PAL, modify all your stuff to shoot over 500fps/5.7j this way in will no longer be a replica. It will be considered a firearm. Anything that shoots over that threshold is a firearm but if I were you I'd follow the advice I gave earlier. Keep it under the radar and hope to be seeing better times.

666 February 20th, 2021 14:17

Oh, I'm not 100% sure, well, 0% sure on how government will respond if lets say a bb pistol will be modified to meet firearm criteria. I have no idea how they will even classify it, restricted, non restricted. Technically supposed to be restricted but who knows. Never seen one like that.
P.S Even if you convert them into firearms they might end up on a prohib list of firearms. Idiots compiled a list of about 1500 different models in May. Bunch of us ended up with prohib paperweights :)

Bbpellet February 20th, 2021 16:02


Originally Posted by 666 (Post 1853447977)
Oh, I'm not 100% sure, well, 0% sure on how government will respond if lets say a bb pistol will be modified to meet firearm criteria. I have no idea how they will even classify it, restricted, non restricted. Technically supposed to be restricted but who knows. Never seen one like that.
P.S Even if you convert them into firearms they might end up on a prohib list of firearms. Idiots compiled a list of about 1500 different models in May. Bunch of us ended up with prohib paperweights :)

I spoke to a firearms controller... as of today, if you get arrested with a bbgun/airsoft. The charges on you will depend on your action at the moment of your arrest... walking around with an airsoft in a school zone vs doing a bank vs shooting in your yard pulling too much attention.. the charges won't be the same.

Now if your airsoft/bb is modded above the limit, they can come up with more charges after the ballistic tests.

As of today, if you have a license for a rifle and you have modded a bb rifle , you will be accused of using an unregistered rifle.. (here you have the proper license but you did not register that rifle)

However, if you only have a rifle license and not the sidearms license and you carry a modded airsoft/bb beretta. You will be accused of carrying a sidearm illegally (unregistered sidearm, perhaps prohibited). I beleive it is criminal. Even if you were not using it. And thats only because the beretta was modded. (Here not only you don't have the proper license, but you are doing something illegal). Unless your job permit to carry a gun, someone with just a sidearm license can only go to shooting range and back home.. that license doesn't allow to carry a sidearm on you 24/24

As of today....

666 February 20th, 2021 16:45


Originally Posted by Bbpellet (Post 1853447980)
I spoke to a firearms controller... as of today, if you get arrested with a bbgun/airsoft. The charges on you will depend on your action at the moment of your arrest... walking around with an airsoft in a school zone vs doing a bank vs shooting in your yard pulling too much attention.. the charges won't be the same.

Now if your airsoft/bb is modded above the limit, they can come up with more charges after the ballistic tests.

As of today, if you have a license for a rifle and you have modded a bb rifle , you will be accused of using an unregistered rifle.. (here you have the proper license but you did not register that rifle)

However, if you only have a rifle license and not the sidearms license and you carry a modded airsoft/bb beretta. You will be accused of carrying a sidearm illegally (unregistered sidearm, perhaps prohibited). I beleive it is criminal. Even if you were not using it. And thats only because the beretta was modded. (Here not only you don't have the proper license, but you are doing something illegal). Unless your job permit to carry a gun, someone with just a sidearm license can only go to shooting range and back home.. that license doesn't allow to carry a sidearm on you 24/24

As of today....

See, airsoft doesnt fall under firearm categories. There is no non restricted, restrictedr etc.

Drache February 20th, 2021 18:00


Originally Posted by 666 (Post 1853447977)
Oh, I'm not 100% sure, well, 0% sure on how government will respond if lets say a bb pistol will be modified to meet firearm criteria. I have no idea how they will even classify it, restricted, non restricted. Technically supposed to be restricted but who knows. Never seen one like that.
P.S Even if you convert them into firearms they might end up on a prohib list of firearms. Idiots compiled a list of about 1500 different models in May. Bunch of us ended up with prohib paperweights :)

If you modified an airsoft gun or BB gun to over 500fps, it becomes a firearm. Then you would need a PAL or an RPAL depending on the type of firearm it is. A BB handgun over 500 fps will become a restricted firearm.

Ecks February 21st, 2021 22:43

Ok folks here is the rub with moding your Airsoft stuff to fire over 500. Yes you'd need a PAL, if it's a pistol you'd need an RPAL. But since many of our Airsoft rifles can fire at full automatic, you would then be in possession of a prohibited firearm and would be in violation of the law. Best advice, go quiet and vote Conservative in the next election.

666 February 22nd, 2021 05:13


Originally Posted by Ecks (Post 1853448031)
Ok folks here is the rub with moding your Airsoft stuff to fire over 500. Yes you'd need a PAL, if it's a pistol you'd need an RPAL. But since many of our Airsoft rifles can fire at full automatic, you would then be in possession of a prohibited firearm and would be in violation of the law. Best advice, go quiet and vote Conservative in the next election.

That’s a good one, never even thought about it. Another thing to think about is mag capacity. Will standard mag capacity rules also apply to an airgun if converted into a firearm?

666 February 22nd, 2021 05:55

Found some of the answers.

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