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DeepThroat March 9th, 2019 18:38

Need strong glue/adhesive for loose thread.
Hi all,

Does anyone know the best glue/adhesive that I could use to glue the loose thread back in the mount? Any help is appreciated.


Jaeger_CDN March 9th, 2019 19:13

loctite - red if you never want to take apart again or blue if you may have to in the future

DeepThroat March 9th, 2019 19:56

Not sure if the pic showed up but would it work for if the thread has been detached from it's hole in the plastic RMR mount?

localfreerider March 9th, 2019 23:25

RainyEyes March 9th, 2019 23:28

Depending on how much gap there is between the thread and the newly formed hole you're going to want to fill it with something and retap it.

If the rmr mount is made of plastic, get some jb plastic weld and fill up that hole. Regular jb weld if it's metal. Afterwards, drill it to the proper size and retap it with the thread that came loose. Sand and clean as necessary.

To properly secure that thread apply some JB weld to lock it in and fill air bubbles once you're ready to adhere the thread to the plate.

This is if you never ever want it falling off again.

ThunderCactus March 10th, 2019 16:29

If it's a plastic mount and you use loctite, you're only going to make a bigger hole.

DeepThroat March 10th, 2019 18:45

How would loctite make a bigger hole? I'm planning on trying gorilla glue. How much torque can it resist?

RainyEyes March 10th, 2019 18:53

I wouldn't recommend gorilla glue just because of how much space it needs to expand and create contact... Not to mention it's more of a foam and there's lots of air bubbles that form.

For tight areas like the space between your plate and threads... Probably not ideal.

Thenooblord March 10th, 2019 19:07

this stuff is magical, i have no doubt it could hold an RMR on with recoil without screws at all, lol:

DeepThroat March 10th, 2019 19:41

Yes, it's pretty tight from the thread socket and the hole in the RMR mount. JB weld for plastic didn't work. What would be more appropriate?

RainyEyes March 10th, 2019 21:09


Originally Posted by DeepThroat (Post 2062940)
Yes, it's pretty tight from the thread socket and the hole in the RMR mount. JB weld for plastic didn't work. What would be more appropriate?

It's been less than 24 hours... How are you doing the fix? JB weld usually requires about 18 hours to cure if you're doing right.

For metal to plastic adhesion you're definitely going to need the automotive stuff.

Is GOOP any good for bumpers? I have a scratch on mine that had cracked about 1.5 inches long and needs to be filled, sanded, and repainted.

Thenooblord March 10th, 2019 21:41

i cant specifically say if its good for bumpers , its not really a filler, its more like liquid rubber, ive used it to hold together the body on my RC basher as it falls apart, and i use it to hold my tires together as they get holes torn in them from slapping the body at 60mph, it adheres very well to plastic and rubber, is extremely tough and flexible so can absorb impacts, i love the stuff,

ThunderCactus March 11th, 2019 21:50

loctite is great for metal on metal, but it tends to break down a variety of plastics.

Ratters March 12th, 2019 10:15

jb or epoxy
Rainyeyes is right. mix up some jb weld or two part epoxy. use a toothpick or pin and apply it around the inside hole but be aware of the build up inside the hole when it dries because some of those brass threaded inserts are tubular and hollow. Adhesive will push up the centre and your bolt won't seat at the right height and once it dries your hooped. Cleaning out the goop is also a non starter once it's creeped up. Facepalm time :infantry:

DeepThroat March 16th, 2019 19:08

Super glue didn't work. So I tried applying way more. Will tell results tomorrow.

Edit: it holds finger tight after applying more super glue. I'll leave it at that. Thanks everyone

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