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Chubby October 19th, 2017 22:07

Your thoughts on blind firing?
I had these question asked to me at work today and I basically told the guy that I think the general consensus is that "One no, and the other, I'm not too sure on".

The first one was:

Is using an airsoft grenade considered blind firing since once you let it go, you most likely won't see where it lands and it will discharge a whole whack of BB's?


Is running down a hallway and firing at the door at the end of it or rounding a corner firing or entering into a room firing your weapon considered a form of blind firing?

What do you guys think?

Styrak October 19th, 2017 22:15

1. No that's retarded.

2. No, you can still see where your shots are going.

Datawraith October 19th, 2017 22:18

Typically, grenades don't expel bbs at quite the energy as our guns do, so the safety issue regarding blindfiring isn't as prominent. So no.

The second scenario you're describing is called prefiring. As long as you have a direct line of vision connecting your barrel to where you're shooting, it's not blindfiring. Prefiring's a perfectly valid tactic, although it really is kind of speedsoft-like as opposed to proper milsim techniques that enforce proper trigger and fire discipline (limited amounts of ammo).

There's another thread (, where we go over ad nauseum what's considered blind firing.

Hope this helps.

RainyEyes October 20th, 2017 00:26


Originally Posted by Styrak (Post 2012609)
1. No that's retarded.


ThunderCactus October 26th, 2017 11:21

The frags, in a way, are blind firing. But theres nothing we can do to increase the safety of them. Like, WATCHING it go off isnt going to make it any safer lol
So thats just an accepted risk.

Shooting down a hallway is just the proper way to run down a hallway with enemies in it. Just dont hip fire full auto.
And shooting while rounding a corner boxes people in. It fucking sucks when it happens to you but its a perfectly accepted method of clearing a room as long as you're looking down your sights while doing it.

lurkingknight November 1st, 2017 22:20

underhand tossing nades is the safest method of implementing them, the danger of hucking nades is not because you don't know where it's going, it's fucking hucking it as hard as you can to bean someone with it. Especially those aluminum bodied tornadoes. That's not cool if you smash someone's face with it.

bbs from a grenade don't come out at 400 fps.

kudougw November 3rd, 2017 17:36

I like to borrow this thread for another question
if I get a HUD and have my scope image sends to my HUD, can I shoot without looking down my rifle? although I may look like blind firing but i will see exactly where I will be shooting.

Danke November 3rd, 2017 17:50


Originally Posted by kudougw (Post 2013233)
I like to borrow this thread for another question
if I get a HUD and have my scope image sends to my HUD, can I shoot without looking down my rifle? although I may look like blind firing but i will see exactly where I will be shooting.

Oh yeah we're all doing that nowadays.

kudougw November 3rd, 2017 23:28

didnt feel like making a new thread for similar question :D


Originally Posted by Danke (Post 2013234)
Oh yeah we're all doing that nowadays.

BenG November 3rd, 2017 23:46


Originally Posted by kudougw (Post 2013233)
I like to borrow this thread for another question
if I get a HUD and have my scope image sends to my HUD, can I shoot without looking down my rifle? although I may look like blind firing but i will see exactly where I will be shooting.

i would say thats fine, its essentially the same as shooting with an ir laser and NV, your not looking down your sights directly but your aware of whats in front of your muzzle and where the shots will strike, and thats what is important about the blind fire rule. The blind fire rule wasnt made so people couldnt shoot without getting hit, it was made to prevent people from having a gun stuck in their face and have their teeth shot out by someone not looking.

infernau November 5th, 2017 08:57

Discipline, discipline, discipline!
Grenades are meant as room clearing agents, I've had grenades (cyclone) go off in my hand as an experiment so I know what it feels like at point blank range, it stings and you get over it. Grenades are not blind firing.

Running down a hallway while shooting (provided that the shooting is controlled and not a kamikaze run while shooting and lmg) is acceptable, to quote "Dog Soldiers", "short controlled bursts". Now the coming around the corner while shooting bugs me since some players don't yet have the trigger control required for educated room clearing. Also bear this in mind, usually younger players or inexperienced players are the ones to find shelter, I wouldn't want my first airsoft experience to be a face full of bbs because some nut came around the corner with no fire discipline.

Which brings another point to the surface, if you come around a corner shooting and you turn your head while shooting as to not get shot in the face you are at that point blind firing, you can't see what you're shooting at and you're just hoping your shoot that you Were aiming at. If you can't keep your eyes on the sights around corners than just send someone who can or use nades.

Also if you're getting blinded with a high intensity flashlight at close range (under 10 feet) and you return fire, you're essentially blind firing since you don't know if the shooter is behind to the right or to the left of the light. It would be like shooting after being hit with a flash bang, they are enough to disorientate you and you therefore don't know where you're shooting with confidence.

I guess time will tell for some players, but my advice is keep your barrel pointed below shoulder height (larger target btw) and I know some players are shorter but it's better than filling someone's face full of bb's.

My team places safety above all, we don't accept idiocy; this is after all just a game and we all want to go home injury free after our make belief soldier night.

BobbyDangerous November 6th, 2017 09:07


Originally Posted by RainyEyes (Post 2012614)


lurkingknight November 8th, 2017 17:44


Originally Posted by Danke (Post 2013234)
Oh yeah we're all doing that nowadays.

I recall cornershot devices being discussed some years ago, and they would be considered blind firing by most people.

If your HUD camera had a wide enough FOV, you probably could get away with it, guess at that point it would be up to the field manager/game organizer to decide. I would say no, a corner shot device would not be allowed as it's not really in the spirit of rules of the game.

OutdoorOperator January 11th, 2018 23:14

Not a big fan
Not a big fan, just line up your shots. :infantry:

ThunderCactus January 12th, 2018 20:19

Just let this post die already

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