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Chubby October 1st, 2017 01:01

Vegan Force Company
2 Attachment(s)
So I'm getting back into the sport. It's been fourteen years basically since I got out of it and became an even greater lurker here on the forums. Anyway, I remember when I was more into Airsoft, one of the things I always wanted someone to make was GBB rifles. I know that there was a company that made a GBB MP5K and I think there was a full automatic GBB M9 around the time I left, but that was basically it. So fast forward to now, I found a GBB M4 (or more correctly: a VFC VR635), bought it and was blown away at how much kick there is to it.

I've owned a couple other AEG's in the past, but I never really took them apart to have a look at the motor or even change it out, so I don't know how much of a difference there is between an AEG's internals and a GBBR's to be able to make any comparisons. However what I can say is that with the GBBR I got, the former Artillery Soldier in me is impressed at just how similar its internals are to the C7.

I was actually able to completely field strip mine (as much as it would let me). Not by following any instructions, but by going through the same motions as I did when I used the C7. Now I haven't had a chance to game with it so I can't tell you how it would perform in a skirmish, however for its design and weight, I would say that the rifle would be a good addition to anyone's arsenal if they want that milsim feel. Anyway, without further a due, here are a couple of pics:

Freeze October 1st, 2017 02:32

I too like my guns made of animal-free materials. Makes it sturdier.

lurkingknight October 2nd, 2017 13:26

ethically sourced pot metal.

Ricochet October 2nd, 2017 17:15

Vegan Force? Vegans try to force their garbage, but their only real tool is unfriending people and not showing up to Thanksgiving by form of tantrum.

...bacon-wrapped, deep-fried, Turducken.

Kremator October 2nd, 2017 17:40

Does it run off of compressed bong tokes?

Danke October 2nd, 2017 19:24


Originally Posted by Ricochet (Post 2011851)
Vegan Force? Vegans try to force their garbage, but their only real tool is unfriending people and not showing up to Thanksgiving by form of tantrum.

...bacon-wrapped, deep-fried, Turducken.

90% of your gearbox is full of curds and whey.

Styrak October 3rd, 2017 23:46

I'll never buy a VFC gun, I love meat.

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