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NuttyHunter November 30th, 2005 14:17

Some Advice for an Airsofters Girfriend Please
No worries, I'm not a noob about to ask a noob question, I have resolved to read everything possible before assuming I have a right to post about airsoft. (Thank you Meat, your thread for newbs rocked.) I have played some airsoft (love it) thanks to my boyfriend. Hence the Thread:
I need Airsoft (or otherwise) gift ideas for x-mas and just, in general. I need a guys opinion. I love gettign my boyfriend little gifts, even without occaisoan, so many ideas (not just the best x-mas gift) are welcome.
Thanx In Advance,
~Lady :angel: Sparks~

TFZ-OZ November 30th, 2005 14:23

When my wife asked me what I wanted - I said money :) allows me to buy what I want :)

Maybe just get him something cool with cash in it - lame? sure.. but at least he can spend it on what he wants.

CDN_Stalker November 30th, 2005 14:23

Hmmm, Ottawa eh? Good chance we know your boyfriend? ;) PM me and I'll help suggest stuff.

Iggy November 30th, 2005 14:29

buy one of the BB hand nades... and stick money in is always good

Opea November 30th, 2005 14:30

Heres some relatively easy to find things that would surely lighten up anyones eyes come xmas day.

BDU's - a different pattern than what he has, sure some are nitpicky about there look but they can always be exchanged.

BBs, make great stocking stuffers, just keep em in the bag.

Gun case, if he doesnt have one

Or simply ask him for a wish list, this works real well for the suprise gifts at any time.

CDN_Stalker November 30th, 2005 14:30


Originally Posted by troz
When my wife asked me what I wanted - I said money :) allows me to buy what I want :)

Maybe just get him something cool with cash in it - lame? sure.. but at least he can spend it on what he wants.

Tru-Mart Gift Certificates! :lol:

Mags are always a good gift, since they get lost on occasion.

TFZ-OZ November 30th, 2005 14:32

Its rather brutal... I know. But I tried explaining to everyone that I would rather buy it myself. Chances are I would ask for a ruck sack and get a nice pretty blue back pack with a lunchpail.....

Guess it would be ok if it was a scooby doo one :S

NuttyHunter November 30th, 2005 14:40

Oh lord, you guys are great. Yes you do know him, PM me and I'll give you more details on who:D
Part of the thread is him not knowing dudes.
So, under the radar nuh?
He's military so he's got the CADPAT's he's got tiger stripped, chest rigs (2) and the standard issue tac vest, he's got a 15 mag first line defense, and i believe he was thinkign of putting in an order for bb's. He doesn't like people spending money on him, so giving him money isn't viable. But gift certificates sound liek the best bet:D.
Also I thought it quite hilarious and laughed outright at the note to keep the bb's in the bag.
I'm thinkign he might like some smoke nades.

Keep em comin, n thanx dudes. ur awesome.
~Lady Sparks~

Suspect187 November 30th, 2005 14:51

If you want to give him bb's, you should make it like a chocolate hunt just use bb's instead. See how quickly he's gets annoyed :lol:

oh yea, for the smoke nades:

MORGUE November 30th, 2005 14:52

nothing spreads holiday cheer quite as well as a CA M249...haha but seriously all the fore mentioned items are great. you can never have enough bbs/mags or gear.....

im sure tru will have gift certificates available as soon as he finds out there is money to be made...


NuttyHunter November 30th, 2005 14:58

Hey.. Here's a blurb for you : ''Air Can, flying dead 90, IFR Charlie Yankee Yankee Zulu, Descend at your own discretion....''
That link to the smoke granades was not english to me. I am pretty quick at picking up lingo- (see above, studying pilot things currently) so hit me up with explanations and I'll be fine:).
~Lady Sparks~(Any man wanna take a helpless lady through the process, poor lil' ol me?:D)

Godlyspartan November 30th, 2005 15:01


Originally Posted by NuttyHunter
He's military so he's got the CADPAT's he's got tiger stripped, chest rigs (2) and the standard issue tac vest~Lady Sparks~

Wear the Rig and uniform give him a show. :tup:

NuttyHunter November 30th, 2005 15:06

I've done that actually....But it was a good hint:D...... ''Go to heaven with Henry'' eh?

As a side note, I'm not age verified, smoke nade ordering a prob.
~Lady Sparks~

Grim Fandango November 30th, 2005 15:36


Originally Posted by Iggy
buy one of the BB hand nades... and stick money in is always good

Just remember to tell him there's money in it. Otherwise he might just take it to a game and toss it at someone.

"ow, hit. hey $20, alright"

The Saint November 30th, 2005 15:39


Originally Posted by Grim Fandango
Just remember to tell him there's money in it. Otherwise he might just take it to a game and toss it at someone.

"ow, hit. hey $20, alright"

I'd take that one for the team. :D

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