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EBR-Innis May 18th, 2017 18:20

Best peq brand/model
Whats the best peq box out there for a price tag around 70$. I know g&p dbal is one of the best but at a 200$price tag hurts. And where could I get one?

BobbyDangerous May 18th, 2017 20:27

Depends. I buy mine all on eBay. Think they're FMA. They're not that bad and work really well. Green laser and IR, but It's the light on it I use. Pretty bright. Wish I could test the IR

riley_A May 18th, 2017 21:21

G&P makes their dbal a2 replica which is probably the best repro you'll find. However none of its functions are eye safe. G&P also makes a standard peq-15 replica with the same functions as the dbal but with a plastic body and a lower price point. Same as the dbal though, not eye safe.
Other than G&P, FMA and element both make peq-15 replicas with white lights and green/red lasers, as well as some models with IR lasers, but the lasers functions are not eye safe. Those sorts of units are most effective being used as just a white light.

FirestormX May 19th, 2017 18:29

To continue riley_A's ponit: Before investing in a light/laser combo, you should look into what's allowed on the fields you're playing on. Many facilities and game hosts will not allow lasers, unless they're eye safe with documentation of their class (ie use an actual EOTech PEQ-15). The reason for this, is that knock off lasers aren't built with the same QC and components, and can easily put out a lot more energy than the label says it does.

There are quite a few people in the community who are missing teeth because they don't want to wear face pro, but there are also a small handful of people with blind spots from taking a laser to the eyeball. It's not a rampant epidemic or anything, but just know that poorly crafted lasers have the potential to cause damage.

Foggy May 19th, 2017 23:12

Any repro laser will not be allowed by GC for any decent fields or games.
If you want to get one for the looks, I won't stop you but don't expect to be able to use it.

Eye damage is a serious possibility with the China clones, and should never be pointed at someone.

Danke May 19th, 2017 23:17


Originally Posted by BobbyDangerous (Post 2005133)
Depends. I buy mine all on eBay. Think they're FMA. They're not that bad and work really well. Green laser and IR, but It's the light on it I use. Pretty bright. Wish I could test the IR

You can test an IR emitter with a cell phone camera. Just switch to selfie and light it up. You should see the beam.

BobbyDangerous May 20th, 2017 15:09


Originally Posted by Danke (Post 2005196)
You can test an IR emitter with a cell phone camera. Just switch to selfie and light it up. You should see the beam.

Nah I mean the intensity. I have Nods.

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