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Feels February 6th, 2017 04:19

New gun for a lefty
Im planning on purchasing my first airsoft gun. A G&G CM16 Raider. However I just remembered im a lefty (yea I know, how does one forget such a thing). So im pretty sure the mag release button on the right side is gonna mess me up. I googled around and from what I can tell, I need a mag release button for the left side. Problem is, I cant find the right one anywhere. I think I got the right one on Airsoft Depot but yet again they're out of stock. Anyone know which specific site has these for sale and exactly what tool I need to buy to make this modification? Thanks

lurkingknight February 6th, 2017 08:33

the raider's mag release is held in by a little phillips screw.

BioRage February 6th, 2017 09:14

Friends don't let friends buy G&G.

Buy VFC VR16 lineups; if you're a lefty, buy something with ambi controls.

lurkingknight February 6th, 2017 10:33

nothing wrong with the raider as a first gun.

BioRage February 6th, 2017 10:51


Originally Posted by lurkingknight (Post 1998550)
nothing wrong with the raider as a first gun.

Nothing wrong with VFC as a first gun too, doe.

lurkingknight February 6th, 2017 10:56

unless budget, as a starter, you'd think you want some money left over to get other things you're going to need.

devbro February 6th, 2017 11:10

I am a lefty two. There are two parts of the gun that MAY need to be ambidextrous:
1. mag release.
2. fire selector.

Mag release is almost easy to fix, just get this and replace it yourself:


Unless you are running high-cap mags, I see no reason why you would need to change mags so often. At least it has not caused me any trouble, I just retreat replace and push again.

For fire selector it will get tricky, the part needed is more or less rare to find in Toronto:

Most games run on semi-auto which means you won't need to switch this too often. If your gun comes with it, awesome, if not, whatever.

Feels February 6th, 2017 12:11


Originally Posted by devbro (Post 1998554)
I am a lefty two. There are two parts of the gun that MAY need to be ambidextrous:
1. mag release.
2. fire selector.

Mag release is almost easy to fix, just get this and replace it yourself:


Unless you are running high-cap mags, I see no reason why you would need to change mags so often. At least it has not caused me any trouble, I just retreat replace and push again.

For fire selector it will get tricky, the part needed is more or less rare to find in Toronto:

Most games run on semi-auto which means you won't need to switch this too often. If your gun comes with it, awesome, if not, whatever.

So do you think ill do fine without modifying the gun?

devbro February 6th, 2017 12:28


Originally Posted by Feels (Post 1998567)
So do you think ill do fine without modifying the gun?

All my guns are righty. So far I had no issue with either mag release or fire selector.

Regardless of what gun you get(Assuming M4 variant), you can always replace the mag release to one that supports ambidextrous. There are various places you can buy this piece from at various prices. In most cases you need a small T4 screw driver.

lurkingknight February 6th, 2017 12:56

you should be learning to shoot from both shoulders as well, this helps you stay in cover and peek from either side without revealing as much of a target. The selector and mag release are not that big of a deal if they are on the wrong side. I very rarely ever have to change between auto and semi and a mag release on the offside you can deal with.

But then again, this is coming from a person who has an mp5 and a g36 which are both ambi. lol.

mr_nuts31 February 6th, 2017 15:15

I'm a lefty too and I didn't really do much to my M4 to help me. I use my right hand to hit the mag release while I'm gripping the mag itself. As for the fire selector, I actually use my thumb on my left hand to use the selector switch. But that's just me and how I use my M4 as a lefty.

Katipunero February 6th, 2017 15:23

I'm a lefty too and when I started I thought the same about moving things around for my pistols.

But then as my pistol is my secondary, it will actually be better for you to run right secondary as most likely your draw for your pistol will be obstructed if you're running left for your secondary from your hip, drop leg or chest.

When my primary is out shooting left I sling my rifle to my left - which would obstruct my draw for my secondary if it was on my left side.

Just a thought to simplify doing any mod specific things to your pistol. Better to learn to be more ambidextrous than rely on one hand.

BenG February 6th, 2017 19:29

you wont find a left hand fire selector for a G&G raider, it would a costly and worthless mod on such a cheap gun, put it in semi and go. I thought most of the new G&Gs were stock with ambi mag release? might just be the "top end" models. Troy makes an ambi release for m4, not sure if it will fit on TM spec guns though, it could be made to fit.

lurkingknight February 6th, 2017 20:02

nope, their base models still only have basic controls. The toptech m4s might have the pass through the gearbox to make the indicator work, but it's not technically an ambi selector. I have a 416 on my bench I just built that has the passthrough, no ambi.

Amos February 6th, 2017 20:59

It's airsoft. It's not a big deal. Source: Left handed, Haven't modified anything to be "left friendly" in 10+ years..

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