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pzrwest August 9th, 2016 08:15

My New P08 Luger
Luger post:
Well since yesterday was my 35th Wedding Anniversary the wife let me buy another airsoft toy the KWC P08 Luger. It is beautiful, and shoots very nice. A bit loud for shooting indoors but outside it is still quite loud if standing close to a building. The toggle action is also great and almost as loud as a real Luger. Here are a couple oics of the new toy

Swattiger August 9th, 2016 12:09

Wow! Congratulations to your 35th Anniversary! I just have my 26th Anniversary just 3 weeks after my angioplasty procedure, very lucky to survive and able to celebrate, LOL!

Your wife is so "open minded." My wife bought me a Maurshin KG9 (still in good shape) 30 years ago, which started my airsoft collection life up till now.

Perhaps we will meet in games one day.

Congratulations again !

pzrwest August 13th, 2016 08:22

One year ago from last March I suffered a minor heart attack and they did an angiogram and had to do an angioplasty and put in 3 stints. Went into Peterborough hospital on a Wednesday, then on Thursday they did the procedure and was released at 1PM on Friday. Being 67 this coming November I doubt I could run around playing airsoft games. Legs just don't work like they used to

Random Fire August 13th, 2016 11:24

beauty, now you just need to acquire a drum mag
and you will be the terror of the field.

pzrwest August 14th, 2016 08:16

Nice P08 drum magazine for the "Arty" I doubt I would ever get one..... would like to get at least one spare luger stick mag for my luger. It would go nicely in the mag pocket on the leather luger holster. Hope to pick one of the leather holsters for the luger at the end of the month.... if the boss(wife) will let me.... LOL
P.S.... the wife said I'm the boss until she says other wise..... LOL

pzrwest September 12th, 2016 07:20

Well holster is on it's way from China. It is a nice looking holster from the ebay posting of the holster. Regarding ebay I only use buy it now and with free shipping settings, that way no getting into bidding wars. Now just have to find a spare magazine for the luger. Can be an airsoft one or even a real magazine just need something to go in the spare magazine pouch on the holster. May have to make a dummy magazine for the holster, if nothing comes up.

Cliffradical September 12th, 2016 08:49

I wish someone would make one of these...

Strelok September 12th, 2016 11:57

Just a heads up. Luger magazine pouches will not work with airsoft magazines. Unless you cut out the bottom for the feed lips to poke through.

bomber439 September 12th, 2016 14:21

Strelok is right. You can see the mag sticking out above the mag pouch in the pic below. But don't lose faith as my holster had enough give in it to permit a tight closure.


pzrwest September 12th, 2016 21:43

I've looked but haven't located any spare airsoft luger magazines, so I will look for a real luger magazine even if the internal spring is broken it will do nicely to occupy the mage pouch, would save me some time scratch building one.
I have seen a picture of a German artillery soldier firing an artillery luger with the wood stock. Looked different from the one in the link

Cliffradical September 12th, 2016 22:47

As I understand it, the one in the link is a very, very fine commercial model. The artillery Luger would have had a slightly different sighting system, and either a simplified shoulder stock (Navy), or the holster/ stock combo, and of course chambered in 9mm Para (this one was not).

This one in the video is something that a competitive shooter or designated "Fancy Person" would have owned.
Not a military workhorse, but the best a Luger can be (except that it's in 7.65 and not 9mm). :)

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