Airsoft Canada

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mikebarkski July 11th, 2016 19:17

If something is on Backorder, dont list it as In-Stock
So i have been buying lots of stuff off and they have some really great deal on things, are located in the same province as i am, and when i place orders with them they either arrive in 5 days or they wait a couple days and tell me that one of the five products i just paid for the other day is on back order.....that has happened to me twice this typical for other retailers cause its pisses me off when i have to wait for my entire order because they are waiting on a holster that i only put in my cart to make my order qualify for free shipping.....errrrg from now on i think i will email every site before making the order, just to get confirmation of when the order will be on route to me...i dont want to pay for something that they dont even have....especially when a canceled order takes 14 days to get your money back....if i had know it was going to take that long i wouldnt have made the order but refunding my money will take even longer.

the only benefit i see from a site that does that is that i might get another site to price match them on an item they dont even have on hand...

after spending $1200-1500 there in the last couple months i am now looking for a new trustworthy online vendor that has good service...? anyone use

Ricochet July 11th, 2016 20:41

Unfortunately this is a super common issue with many retailers nowadays. I recommend calling the retailer first if it's a matter of timing to confirm in/out stock status. It's a bummer, but there ya go.

mikebarkski July 15th, 2016 15:21

yup i orderer three guns and some other stuff from badlands because toronto didnt have one of em...still ordered the lube and cyclone from toronto and if i had known that dadlands wasnt shipping the next day i would have never placed the order, and woulda paid toronto cause they had the better 2 of the 3 i was after...i even called them bfor letting them charg 850 to my visa....rrrrrrg not saying that NOBODY SHOULD SUPPORT BADLANDS or REPLICA just cause i fucking hate them just saying that they fuck up to much for me to repeat and if you try just remember replica doesnt have 85% of the G&G stock they claim to have so who cares if they are 60$ from a airsoft site not a pelletgun site....its worth the xtra$ to get good/prompt online service

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