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daishi July 8th, 2016 17:27

VSR hop upgrades
Hey all,

Just a quick question regarding the vsr-10 gspec hop up.

When it comes to upgrading these parts, should I purchase a PDI v2 hop unit with the w-hold bucking and a PDI 6.01 554mm barrel....

Or would staying with the stock hop unit and getting the pdi w hold bucking with a type b dangerwerx hop arm and an EDGi 6.03 554mm barrel be the better alternative?

I will be running a bore up pdi v trigger/cylinder set.

Hectic July 8th, 2016 18:01

I personally am not a fan of the pdi hop unit. You have to remove the mag to adjust it and the set screws can loosen off damaging the nozzle or at the least just not holding the setting. Perhaps some loctite after you set it but that still isn't verry useful in the field for adjusting on the fly.
I'd go laylax myself but then I don't know how the pdi nozzle will go with the laylax hop up. Altho i know the pdi v2 works with most nozzles.
Also why so long, if you keep the barrel 455 or shorter you won't need to bore up unless you wanna run bb's above a .40g (prety useless around here, not enough safe range)
Edit. The edgi barrels are nice but you can get quality barrels for less and locally. All the normal brands come to mind really. Depends if you wanna drop 60 buck or 150 lol
Using a laylax hop up you can grab any aeg barrel you like.
I personally run 455 mm madbull 6.03 or 6.01 depending what was available. Currently a 6.01.

Styrak July 8th, 2016 18:02

I just kept the stock chamber because it's great. However you should replace the hop arm with a Dangerwerx one.
And yeah why a huge barrel? I upgraded from the GSpecs's short 303mm to a standard VSR length of 430mm, and that's all you should need (and on a GSpec it doesn't go to the end of the supressor, so still provides silencing).

daishi July 8th, 2016 18:13

Oh sorry, I meant 503mm, which is to the end of the silencer from EDGi.

Looks like Ill be leaning toward keeping the stock hop unit, putting in the w hold pdi bucking and a Dangerwerx arm (if I can find one).

Is there any significant difference between a 430mm and 503mm in terms of range or anything?

Also according to EDGi..the 503 versus a 430 get an extra ~20 meters....

435mm 6.03 barrel is $80
503mm 6.03 barrel is $85

EdGi claims a 20meter range boost between the two... not sure if that claim is accurate. What would be the difference in shot sound?

Drakker July 8th, 2016 18:51

20m extra range is ludicrous. Longer barrels won't give you longer range.

You can get the airsoftpro arm, its great, and cheaper than the dangerwerx:

daishi July 8th, 2016 19:04

Alright thanks guys! Think Ill just go with the 435mm then!

Also...Im looking to go with a slightly stronger spring that will work with the stock spring guide. Since i have to buy the pdi w hold from xfire....and they sell springs....

What is the diameter of the stock spring guide? Should I be going with a 1mm, or 13 mm spring?

Drakker July 8th, 2016 19:09

You will most likely need to change the spring guide to use a stronger spring. The stock plastic guide isn't all that strong. Same for the plastic piston, it will wear faster with a stronger spring.

The stock spring diameter is 11mm.

ThunderCactus July 8th, 2016 22:01

Barrels have literally nothing to do with range. I'm always suspect of companies that claim their product breaks the laws of physics.

Styrak July 8th, 2016 23:46

I have an extra Dangerwerx Type B arm...

ThunderCactus July 9th, 2016 02:09

Forgot to mention, I have the PDI hop chamber and don't like it. It's designed for old fashioned hop rubbers like the W hold. Needs to be modified to work with flat hop. HUGE pain in the ass to adjust the hop.

Hectic July 9th, 2016 06:04

I didn't read every post but. I didn't notice anyone mention volume. The stick cylinder matches about a 500 mm inner with a .25g bb. If you want to run 500 mm inner and heavy bb's you may need to go with the bore up. However if you stick at 400-455 you can run stock cylinder and heavy bb's no problem.

Drakker July 9th, 2016 08:08

The PDI chamber is great for flat hops and r-hops. Flip the arms so that the flat side is down and stick an m-nub on them. There's a thread on this on airsoft mechanics.

Crowin July 9th, 2016 11:23

A longer Barrel will give you more range, if you have excess air volume. More barrel will give you more fps. Which will give you more range. Even a tight bore barrel can increase fps.

cetane July 9th, 2016 11:59

This seems to be a good unit too if running vsr cut barrels...

ThunderCactus July 9th, 2016 12:16


Originally Posted by Crowin (Post 1984418)
A longer Barrel will give you more range, if you have excess air volume. More barrel will give you more fps. Which will give you more range. Even a tight bore barrel can increase fps.

Yeah but its not the barrel increasing range.
Air volume is a tricky thing. You might increase your fps on .20s with a longer barrel but you might be losing fps on .36s.
My M24 does 380 on .20s, dont even need an MED. But it shoots 2j on .36s, which is 470 on .20s.
The piston is going to make way more difference in fps than the barrel; using a lighter piston I go to the same 380fps on .20s, but way up to 2.7j on .36s.

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