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WildBill357 July 6th, 2016 16:57

that echo one mini gun
I seen a vid of a guy with the echo one mini-gun...looked alot like the ones we see stickin out of the us military choppers that made fly low passes over our pot fields like 10 years back, when they cared). The thing was massive, but i was wondering if anyone here has had a chance to use it? the airsoft one......there is a a funny video of a fat kid shreading a melon with one & several vids of those badass scottish airsofters using them on youtube...and a guy named fullmag with tons of INSANE vids of the actual thing...and to be honest the real thing made me want the airsoft one way more, hahaha...

cant find it anywhere in canada, am i correct in assuming its not in Canada yet? has anyone used one? probably not worth the 4grand but if i could spend 2grand on a toy...that thing looks fun...i hear it comes in a wooden crate, like a real one, hahaha what an age we live in...but it seems like a gimmick for four digits next to the ASG M60E4/Mk43 for 800, which looks like it must be more reliable than the A&K m249..

Darklen July 6th, 2016 17:40

Discontinued, quite a while ago if memory serves. Not showing on their website as in current production. Was a piece of crap too boot. the Classic Army one is worlds away better but they build them to order and they are very expensive.

ThunderCactus July 6th, 2016 18:53

Weighed around 16kg with a max range of about 140ft, and thats being generous.
They were nothing more than novelties

Ricochet July 6th, 2016 19:21

I think
G&P or G&G made one as well. It worked fine, but it was 40 lbs plus if I remember and not fun to lug around. Kind of novel for small games, but basically got you killed and was way too expensive.

Darklen July 6th, 2016 20:36

Only Echo One and Classic Army have made "production" mini guns. There were a few custom one offs but I've never heard of anyone else making them. G&G's most ambitious project to date is the MG42.

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