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Peakyblinders18 July 2nd, 2016 22:42

Mystery boxes ?
Does anyone know why there aren't any mystery boxes in Canada ? They seem to be very popular and pretty big in the states yet there aren't any really in Canada ? I see Toronto airsoft had one last November so does anyone know of any coming up or anything ?

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Wilkie July 2nd, 2016 22:53

Mystery boxes tend to happen when a company has a mass quantity of crap it can't otherwise sell. With the dollar being shit right now, companies like TA are likely being more conservative with their item stocking, as people are buying less.

lurkingknight July 2nd, 2016 23:19

also harder for importers/vendors to meet minimum order quantities from factories because they can't buy as many units with the same amount of cash. Might explain slow restocks.

Swattiger July 3rd, 2016 08:53

Mysterious boxes are too "mysterious". There was no proper announcement of winners of the big prizes. And it was getting more expensive.

People then lost interest in them as they preferred to buy exactly what they want.

ARC-74 July 3rd, 2016 10:08

A mystery box.....:confused:
Something of a mystery to solve, involving calculating odds, relevance of the need for said items, disappointment with not getting what you want :( , brief happiness if you get what you want :), then realizing you should have just saved your money and thought about what you really needed at the time....:cool:

Anyone watch the Austrian Grand Prix last lap mayhem?:D

devbro July 3rd, 2016 10:10

When I talked to TorontoAirsoft, they said they will have one in June. But it never happened :(

If there is ever a non-gun mysterybox I will be all over it regardless of what is in it. I find mystery guns a bit too much.

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