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EOD Steve May 27th, 2016 22:15

Follow along - EOD Steve's Work Log
I thought I would start documenting a complete build-up of a brand-new VFC M4A1 RIS II FDE (aka M4A1 block2)

Follow along on this build!

EOD Steve May 28th, 2016 20:41

The mechbox teardown and review.

EOD Steve May 29th, 2016 11:02

A quick grip stippling before mechbox work.

EOD Steve May 29th, 2016 17:39

Mechbox build-up is complete, see it here:

EOD Steve May 29th, 2016 17:40

Also knocked out the barrel group today.

helljumper02 May 30th, 2016 18:09

I'm really liking the blog format of the new site, and that rifle is definitely a piece of work ... thanks for the new bookmark and I can't wait to see what comes down the pipe next.

EOD Steve May 30th, 2016 18:43

It is done. Paint + final chrono numbers.

Wilkie May 30th, 2016 19:57

I'd love a 'Like Button' on here. Excellent amalgamation of info, and an excellent looking build

EOD Steve June 1st, 2016 21:19

Another build starting up, but first an in-depth review of the HAO Geissele HK416 SMR rail compared to the real deal.

EOD Steve June 2nd, 2016 09:45

A comparison between the ASG Ultimate U-18000 motor and the SHS High-torque.

BloodSport June 2nd, 2016 10:57

Thread stickied to keep it near the top, I'm liking this one.

cetane June 2nd, 2016 15:02


Originally Posted by BloodSport (Post 1980825)
Thread stickied to keep it near the top, I'm liking this one.

I like this thread too. How's the asg 18k motor compare build wise to the jg blue ones? Tpa same I think. Is the arm skewed in the asg motor?

EOD Steve June 2nd, 2016 16:27

Isn't JG Blue 22 TPA? ASG is 28TPA.
Haven't torn the motor apart to be honest so I couldn't tell you if it's skewed, that's another post for another day when I'm less flooded.

Magnets on the ASG are quite good, on par with Tienly and SHS HT.

cetane June 2nd, 2016 18:25

Hmm..? Maybe it is a 22tpa? Don't remember which arm I pulled from mine..?

chaz June 3rd, 2016 12:15

Reading about the motors in this comparison, what would be a HT motor that has good meshing with Siegetek gears (or just use a Siegetek pinion) that is low power consumption?
Price not an option.

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