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White_Tiger117 February 12th, 2016 16:02

New to Airsoft, Lots of Questions for Historic Pistols!
Well as crazy as it might sound I have been attracted to airsoft due to wanting to possibly join some reenactment groups. My main problem right now is finding a P38 (preferred) or Luger that works decently and I honestly have no Idea where to find one for a good price! So far I am looking at the We Luger, as for the P38 I can't seem to find any!

Any and all help would be great folks!


Curo February 12th, 2016 16:19

Well WW2 airsoft is a growing community, and is definitely a cool thing. and they can always use more axis players.

WE makes both a luger and p38, id recommend one of those.

We cannot post links to retailer/or gun sites here as this section is not age verified. If you are 18+ I suggest you contact an Age Verifier about getting age verified, after that there is an age verified section we can share links to the airsoft guns you are looking for. And you can learn about importing airsoft guns.

Check out the World War 2 sections, lots of nice guys there and always willing to help out a new guy!

heres a link to the information center:

simply click your province and contact your near AV rep

White_Tiger117 February 12th, 2016 16:21


Originally Posted by Curo (Post 1971175)
Well WW2 airsoft is a growing community, and is definitely a cool thing. and they can always use more axis players.

WE makes both a luger and p38, id recommend one of those.

We cannot post links to retailer/or gun sites here as this section is not age verified. If you are 18+ I suggest you contact an Age Verifier about getting age verified, after that there is an age verified section we can share links to the airsoft guns you are looking for. And you can learn about importing airsoft guns.

Check out the World War 2 sections, lots of nice guys there and always willing to help out a new guy!

heres a link to the information center:

simply click your province and contact your near AV rep

Done and Done! Thanks! Ya I found a few but was told they leak or are junk guns @_@ (Also im 27 so this should be verified rather fast I hope lol!)

Once the Vare is done at least I can get some help finding a deal @_@ locally these guns are marked up through the roof and online I can't seem to figure out what is better or what P38\Luger is better. (Really people seem to hate the WE..........I was told to find a Maruzen? P38)

BioRage February 12th, 2016 16:25

WE does make some WWII stuff, but wouldn't count on their QC to last you in the long run.. they are good for collectors imo. (no spare parts for those guns, not like their G17, etc.)

IIRC Airsoft Depot has the luger and p38 in stock. 240-280?

There's a big wwii group here in Toronto, think theres a post in the "Ontario Teams" or Ontario section, check it out, maybe give one of them a PM, they might be able to help you / recommend you items.

White_Tiger117 February 12th, 2016 16:30


Originally Posted by BioRage (Post 1971178)
WE does make some WWII stuff, but wouldn't count on their QC to last you in the long run.. they are good for collectors imo. (no spare parts for those guns, not like their G17, etc.)

IIRC Airsoft Depot has the luger and p38 in stock. 240-280?

There's a big wwii group here in Toronto, think theres a post in the "Ontario Teams" or Ontario section, check it out, maybe give one of them a PM, they might be able to help you / recommend you items.

Oh neat thanks! ya, I was told the p38 isn't legal due to being 4mm? or something. I am thinking of just going for the WE Luger since I found it for 219 or so only problem is the place I found it doesn't have a propane conversion kit or free shipping unless I buy a few extra mags i guess......

BioRage February 12th, 2016 16:34


Originally Posted by White_Tiger117 (Post 1971179)
Oh neat thanks! ya, I was told the p38 isn't legal due to being 4mm? or something. I am thinking of just going for the WE Luger since I found it for 219 or so only problem is the place I found it doesn't have a propane conversion kit or free shipping unless I buy a few extra mags i guess......

wut. who ever is feeding you info.. maybe best to not listen to them.

It's 6mm bb, from their site. $240.xx; really up to you what you want!


Gas Blow Back Pistol with Semi-Automatic Shooting Mode
Classic World War II German Military Handgun
Metal Slide & Frame
Metal Outer Barrel
Polymer Pistol Grip
Metal Trigger, Hammer, Safety Selector & Slide Release
Metal Front & Rear Sight
Metal Housing13+1 Rounds loading capacity Gas Magazine (Blue Steel Finishing)
Package Include LED Light Pistol Case (305mm x 235mm x 65mm)
No orange tip!

White_Tiger117 February 12th, 2016 16:36


Originally Posted by BioRage (Post 1971181)
wut. who ever is feeding you info.. maybe best to not listen to them.

It's 6mm bb, from their site. $240.xx; really up to you what you want!

Figured as much man. They all are tactical spray and pray lovers I guess :P

Hmmmm I gota figure out which works better p38 or luger......... I have already tracked down Holsters for both :D

White_Tiger117 February 12th, 2016 17:27

Woot I just got my gun! Problem is I can't find mags that don't have a shipping cost higher then what there worth!

Handsonic February 12th, 2016 17:43


Originally Posted by White_Tiger117 (Post 1971188)
Woot I just got my gun! Problem is I can't find mags that don't have a shipping cost higher then what there worth!

buy bulk :D

i know how you feel, i had to buy g36 mags for $35 +$20 shipping PER MAG Q_Q

White_Tiger117 February 12th, 2016 18:05


Originally Posted by Handsonic (Post 1971189)
buy bulk :D

i know how you feel, i had to buy g36 mags for $35 +$20 shipping PER MAG Q_Q

Thats just.......dear...god...... :banghead: Well I need BB's too so I guess I should buy those in bulk too?

Danke February 12th, 2016 19:06

No, just buy a bag at a time locally.

If you find you've picked the wrong weight or brand you'll be stuck with cases of useless BBs if you go the bulk route.

There were still bags of Metal Techs at Dave's Tactical for cheap.

White_Tiger117 February 12th, 2016 20:01


Originally Posted by Danke (Post 1971195)
No, just buy a bag at a time locally.

If you find you've picked the wrong weight or brand you'll be stuck with cases of useless BBs if you go the bulk route.

There were still bags of Metal Techs at Dave's Tactical for cheap.

Oh nice! I work weekends sadly though lol! Might just buy some cheapo crappy tire ones since I am simply going to be shooting cans for a bit.

Handsonic February 12th, 2016 20:55


Originally Posted by White_Tiger117 (Post 1971206)
Oh nice! I work weekends sadly though lol! Might just buy some cheapo crappy tire ones since I am simply going to be shooting cans for a bit.

Don't buy cheap BB's, they can explode or crack inside your gun from the force of the air in the receiver.
As for buying bulk, it depends on whether or not you know what weight to use. My friend bought 60,000 BB's at once and got a discount from the owner of the shop.

Curo February 12th, 2016 21:07

bbs are literally 10-20 bucks for a bag of quality .20s. don't cheap out on BBs.

Ammo is cheaper than a broken gun

White_Tiger117 February 12th, 2016 21:59


Originally Posted by Curo (Post 1971212)
bbs are literally 10-20 bucks for a bag of quality .20s. don't cheap out on BBs.

Ammo is cheaper than a broken gun

True, Shipping costs more then the BB's for some reason............

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