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e-luder February 11th, 2016 23:41

e's Tokyo Marui SIG SAUER P226 Rail: "Salient Arms International"
HI All,

Save you the reading of the words...

This is my take on a Tokyo Marui's SIG P226 Rail. The Sailent Arms International.


I was hesitant to put this gun together. I've been building waaay too many Sailent Arms guns lately. But what the hell, right?

The Prime kit is a really nice kit. The matte finish is really great and everything fits together very nicely. All it needs is lube.

I was worried about how it would mesh with the small stuff like the takedown levers and mag catches and signts and all that but this kit took it like a pro. I'd recommend. It's probably the most user friendly P226 kit I've ever handled. (and I've handled ALOT).

The gun follows a streamlined two tone scheme with the hammer and barrel. It makes it look like they are a single piece running through the gun.

The choice to keep the recoil spring guide black was purely for the cosmetic reason mentioned above. Also, the gun is rocking the Marui OEM recoil spring in order to maximize felt recoil.

However, due to the minimal resistance of the recoil spring during the slide action, much more powerful force of impact will be generated. Thus, a steel takedown lever was installed as the OEM Marui takedown lever often breaks.

The gun is heavy but it's not like a ton of bricks like the Hi-capa.
It's quite manageable and has a very natural pointability.

The frame is an MK25 frame just like the SEALS'. The dead give away is the rail system. Where the standard and stock Marui 226 has curvature, this kit is flattened and is the more standardized 1913 rails.

It doesn't really matter in airsoft terms as most lights will fit either model frame but the real ones had trouble mounting certain lights on the standard 226 frames.

Internally, the gun has been fitted with a Shooter's Design POM loading muzzle set, steel firing pin, steel sear and piston head for greater durability.

This gun also has a Nineball purple bucking and 6.01 tightbore barrel for a bit of added power.

The grip panels are OEM Factory SIG Sauer P226 grips.
They have been re-texturized with Jessup skateboard tape for a much better grip registration. (see also: Talon Gun Grips if you're too lazy to make your own). It feels really good.

The consequence of re-texturing was that it made an already fat grip that mush more fatter. Thus, to help combat a potentially "un-ergonomic" pistol for small hands, a decision was reached to install a short reach E2 style trigger.

Providing some options for sights in low level lighting, two sets of front sights were installed that can be switched at will during game breaks.

Tritium for the low level light and fiber optic for day time use.

It's not bad, but who needs two sights anyways?

THe Parts Kit:

-Prime P226 Metal Body Kit for Tokyo Marui P226 Rail ( SAI )
-Nineball Tritium Night Sights
-JLP Fiber Optic Front Sight (BOOSTER)
-RAVEN PDI 6.01 Tightbore Inner Barrel
-Nineball Hop Up Bucking
-Nineball Gas Route Packing
-Shooter's Design Enhanced Loading Muzzle
-Shooter's Design Enhanced Floating Valve
-Shooter's Design Enhanced Valve Blocker
-PDI Piston Head (modified)
-Shooter's Design Steel Takedown Lever
-Shooter's Design Steel Firing Pin
-WII Tech Steel Sear
-Carom Shot Steel Hammer (silver)
-Guarder P226 Steel Trigger (E2 Type)
-Guarder P226 Steel Magazine Catch (E2 Type)
-Guarder Hexagon Grip Screws
-Guarder High Flow Blowoff Magazine Valve
-Guarder Steel Recoil Spring Guide (Black)
-Guarder 150% Hammer Spring
-Factory OEM SIG SAUER Grip Panels (modified)

Gun chrono's at 325-323FPS With propane and .20g BB Bastards.

Smooth as fuck action :O

THat's all for now.
See you next gun folks!

BioRage February 12th, 2016 08:19

Toooooo sexy.
Lmk when you sell :)

Stryker February 12th, 2016 08:44

I like dem Sig, I like them even more so now!

Thanks for the post!

Pesky February 12th, 2016 14:04

HNNNNGGGG Salient Arms.... absolutely beautiful

A very nice build again, not a surprise by who its coming form

but again thanks for sharing, please share more

Datawraith February 12th, 2016 14:57

I had the same build in mind for a few years now lol. Goddamn it looks good.

Make you a deal for exchanging a stock TM P226 for you to make another project on?

On another note, how much did all that cost you?! The kit alone is over 400 bucks Canadian right now not including shipping and taxes!

hattrick February 12th, 2016 19:08

Do a TM USP compact next, because....why not?

BioRage February 12th, 2016 19:09


Originally Posted by hattrick (Post 1971197)
Do a TM USP compact next, because....why not?

He has.. Search his profile...

Splinter February 12th, 2016 19:20

How much was the total build cost on this bad boy? Looks sexy as fawk

ARC-74 February 12th, 2016 20:44

She's a beaut-e!

localfreerider February 12th, 2016 21:17

Your builds never disappoint! Did the Prime kit require special fitting like the PGC's do or was it a drop in fit?

e-luder February 15th, 2016 14:04

Many thanks all!


Originally Posted by Datawraith (Post 1971170)
I had the same build in mind for a few years now lol. Goddamn it looks good.

Make you a deal for exchanging a stock TM P226 for you to make another project on?

On another note, how much did all that cost you?! The kit alone is over 400 bucks Canadian right now not including shipping and taxes!


Originally Posted by Splinter (Post 1971201)
How much was the total build cost on this bad boy? Looks sexy as fawk

I hate answering this question. Mainly because I'm scared to find out myself...

You can get a quote from various Canadian retailers for the Metal body kit because cost may vary depending on who you go to.
You can take the my parts listing and punch it into WGC or eHobby or UNCompany or something.

The killer is always the shipping rates and the Canadian Dollar conversion rates. I tried to wait out the rates but i don't think the Canadian Dollar will do any better...


Originally Posted by localfreerider (Post 1971214)
Your builds never disappoint! Did the Prime kit require special fitting like the PGC's do or was it a drop in fit?

No. The PRIME kit did not need any alteration of any sort. All the slide and frame guts fit snuggly. In this case, "...Peg A went into hole A..." with no issues. It was not loose or tight. It was just right. All it really needed was Superlube on a few key points for a smooth action.

It was able to accept the external after market parts no problem. Even the dreaded Guarder components (albeit there were only a few but were key components) were a nice fit and didn't require alteration.

On a second note, the front rail bolt screw threading/post was much more durable on the PRIME kit. It didn't strip or anything stupid like that unlike on the PGC kits i've handled. Sometimes on the PGC frames i handled, the post threading would strip during installation!!

The PRIME Kit's slide-to-frame was very nice. Nothing was loose. No slide movement when the slide was at battery. THe barrel held in its place. Only thing is, the barrel-to-slide ratio was much different than any other. You can't run the stock barrel or a Guarder barrel without altering it. It could just be this specific kit but that was kind of of shitty deal.

One thing I would give points to PGC for is the sight dovetails. The PGC kits I find are more accepting of aftermarket sights than the PRIME slides. But that could be just how a particular sight was measured and cut.

The PRIME kit is a superb kit. I highly recommend it if you can afford it....

e-luder February 15th, 2016 14:11


Originally Posted by BioRage (Post 1971148)
Toooooo sexy.
Lmk when you sell :)


You're better off buying a real SIG p226, a few boxes of ammo and pay for range fees than buying this off of me or building it yourself.

....and you'd still have a few hundred dollazzz left over.

This gun was an expensive gun to put together and use a paper weight (let's be honest here). The cost rivals the cost of a fancy Hi-capa gun put together from scratch....

hattrick February 15th, 2016 15:06


Originally Posted by BioRage (Post 1971198)
He has.. Search his profile...

oh....yeah, thanks. Missed that one. BRB checking bank balance.

e-luder February 15th, 2016 15:14


Originally Posted by hattrick (Post 1971416)
oh....yeah, thanks. Missed that one. BRB checking bank balance.

e's Tokyo Marui Heckler & Koch USP Compact: "Universelle Selbstladepistole"

It's dead sexy with a metal slide. Good heft for a compact pistaalll.

localfreerider February 15th, 2016 20:16


Originally Posted by e-luder (Post 1971414)
Only thing is, the barrel-to-slide ratio was much different than any other. You can't run the stock barrel or a Guarder barrel without altering it. It could just be this specific kit but that was kind of of shitty deal.

The PRIME kit is a superb kit. I highly recommend it if you can afford it....

Why would you want to run anything other than the SAI barrel in a SAI gun?
I ran my PGC with 150% recoil spring and it destroyed my PGC barrel so I had to swap over to a Guarder one but the fit is not nearly as nice.

I am glad to know I am not the only one who had problems with the PGC kit's frame stripping out. I thought I was a moron and not gentile enough with that tiny screw...

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