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What to Pack for an Overnight OP (GBB)
There's an overnight OP coming up and I'm wondering what I should pack
I have a WE HK416 and a TM G18c. I am wondering how many cans of propane and how many magazines I should bring for each gun. Also, I have a Krytac and I'm wondering how many batteries and mid caps I should bring. Also, how many BBs? My list: Tent Sleeping Bag Inflatable mat 416 with 4-5 mags G18c with 2-3 mags Krytac with 3 mags Unsure about how much gas Unsure about how many batteries. (2200 mah 7.4v lipo) A lot of water (disposable and in bottles) Backpacking food for breakfast, sandwiches for lunch, and hotdogs I am going to wear a paintball mask, a PC, surplus BDUs, combat boots, and a scarf Kill rag Speedloaders It's going to be in april so it will be warm On Vancouver Island BC |
I highly recommend getting more mags, especially since GBBR mags hold so little ammo.
Also, get a kill light (a light that you can attach to your helmet or PC that blinks red when you die), because it's hard for people to see your kill rag in the dark and you don't wanna get overshot. I don't think you'll need more than 1 full propane tank, maybe a second as a backup. 4-5 batteries should be good if the AEG is a primary. 2-3 if it's a backup/secondary. A good food option would be canned food and you can bring a can opener and metal fork. Stuff like tuna, noodles, beans, etc is delicious and easy to carry around and eat in any environment, be it during or after a game, or while waiting in the dead zone. Bring energy drinks. |
Always always always bring more gas than you think you eed. On a typical day game, i bring 2 cans propane, minimum. I wouldnt bring too many primaries, 2 is more than enough. Bring a tool/maintenance kit for your gbbs, i have one small "field" kit in my battle belt and another, larger took kit in or on my pack. Extra layers is good and so is rain gear. I never go to an over night game without rain gear.
Flashlight, either weapon mounted and/or handheld. Glowsticks (red/orange/ etc...) for dead light. Keep it in a sock in your pocket (sock for any glow that can escape at inopportune times). Id stay away from energy drinks as they will cause a crash. They may also cause heart issues if you take too many (i know this first hand) use high energy snacks like gels or clif/power bars. As simple as it sounds: CLEAR LENSES for your eye pro. no smoke, no amber, yellow is okay for low light but not night. Socks. Not sure where youre playing but new socks are nice if youre feet are/ will be getting wet. A helmet. I have one i generally only wear at night games unless its an open field, im not willing to smash my melon in the dark, came close one too many times. But it always comes with me for long and over night games. Thats it for now. Will update if i think of anything else. |
Depends on start time. If the game starts at 9:00pm, and goes until 9:00am, why bother with sleeping gear? Structure your day so that you can spend the game awake, rather thsn asleep.
- Same as above its a 24hr op no time for sleeping.
- High speed low drag kit. - Energy bars/gels are key. When in the field you don't need breakfast/lunch/dinner just snack lightly(bananas are great) - If its just a 24hr game you don't need a water cooler.. Have a full hydration bladder, canteen, and another bottle or two of water and throw in 2 Gatorade or powerades - Spare socks are clutch you never know when you'll need them. - If you have red light I suggest that to keep your night vision in tact always use tactical lighting when reading maps and looking/adjusting kit in the dark. Kill lights, marker lights are also needed. - The more mags the better it will save you dicking around reloading and charging mags. How much ammo you go through depends on of you get bumped or not. And or your game style tactical or get some kinda player. Personally I'd try and rock 1 mag loaded/ 5 up front in tac vest/ 1-2 on the rear accessible by your fireteam partner or budds around you. AEG I'd run a bit differently depending on game rules but with GBBR and low caps can't go wrong with mags. Secondary one fixed and 1-2 extra is plenty. - laslty waterproof kit! Those Flex garbage bags work great as a waterproof liner for any rucksack or backpack. Sorry for the point form just typed as things came to mind. There's alot that I'm missing just things that first come to mind. Hope this helps |
I agree with splinter. Mags are a must for gbb. My kit expands from 6 up to 20 depending on what im doing. Yes. Thats 20 gas mags.
Instead, try beef jerky, CLIFF bars, cereal bars (sweet n salty), protein bars... if you can't afford fancy protein bars, MARS bars are pretty much the same deal just wayyy more sugar...which if you are running around is not a big deal. Quote:
The above is all said assuming you are active during an op, if you are camping respawns all day you'll need infinitely less calories... |
As a GBBR user myself
GBBR w/ 8-10 mags (usually there is a 300 rd limit and this meets it!) We G17 w/ 2-3 mags 2-3 cans of propane 1-2 bags of BB bastard BBs +1 bag of tracer for night 1 tracer unit 8 extra batteries CR123A Waterproof Soft Shell Food (I've brought tinned, bagged and bars) 3L of water on person, +1 gatorrade more water+gatorade at base, incase someone needs a pick me up. tent, sleeping bag at base. FAK on myself, along with NPAS tool and small tool kit. Pen and paper extra socks NVG mount goggle cleaning stuff/fog wipes |
Might I add, a survival whistle. People tend to get lost and/or hurt more frequently at night games. Mind you, this should be on you at all times anyway. Of anything happens, whistle blast, flashlight on and glowsticks out.
1) overnight game SUCKS for gbbr. Because temperature has a direct effect on the conversion of liquid gas into volume (nRT= PV), expect to need to adjust your hop every 4-5 hrs in the field. You don't have this issue with aegs.
2)4-6L of water on top of the 2-3L in your bladder if it's hot. At least 3L for autumn or spring games. 3) 24 hr games are too short for "real" tin food. Muesli bars and protein with caffeinated doft drinks as a pick me up for those 5 min at base while your guys are gearing up for the next mission. That said, a hot cup of coffee at 5 am in the morning is priceless too. Pack food as a team. 5) Energizer red-white headlamp or Pretz(?). WEAR THIS AROUND YOUR NECK. Seen too many guys wearing these on their head, bump into a branch in a firefight/patrol, and lose their light. The red light functions well as a kill-light too. 6) Red light is overrated. Once your eyes are flushed with white light it takes about 30 minutes for your rod and cone cells to restore the sodium channels (i.e. your night, monochromic vision will disappear). Use red light for navigation; don't go shy on white light when shit gets real. |
I have never had an issue w temperature during a summer game with GBBRs. I have never had to adjust my hopup every 4-5 hours..? Wtf
Vaughn =/= southern ontario
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