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3rdbase8 October 28th, 2015 20:30

Tm mp5k vs p90 vs aug high cycle vs Scorpion evo 3
Hey guys I am considering getting a new gun and I know this is a lot to choose from so I need some help and we can hopefully narrow it down to one gun. If you can't tell I am obviously looking for a unique gun something different then the everyday airsofters gun. So the guns I have chosen is the Tokyo marui mp5k high cycle, Tokyo marui aug high cycle, Tokyo marui p90 high cycle and finally the asc scorpion evo 3. Don't worry about my budget but I was just wondering out of the box what one of these guns would be a good gun to use as a primary for field and backyard use? Thanks for the help I hope I was specific enough. Thanks again!

Slodin October 28th, 2015 23:00

just gonna say...aug, p90 and mp5k is not unique at all...see them all the time on fields...and pretty sure all of them are good out the box lol..............

Drakker October 28th, 2015 23:06

The Scorpion Evo stops firing when a mag is empty and you need to press the bolt catch when you put a mag back in before it will fire. It adds more realism and prevents dry fire.

Otherwise they're all great guns, you could just pick one up randomly.

Datawraith October 28th, 2015 23:16

^ what they said.
Internally, they're all pretty good, but unique? Not really... (MP5K maybe, and the Scorpion still isn't very often seen).
Choose what you like in terms of looks and what feels the best, so best advice I can give you is go into a store and try them out and see what form factor suits you best and which one looks the prettiest or coolest to you.

Ricochet October 29th, 2015 00:48

Skorpion EVO is crap. TM MP5 is solid and easy to work with. I've never met an airsoft P90 I liked, and AUGs classically seem to have issues. There are other brands of MP5 as well that are great. If budget is no issue, check out the Systema TW5. October 29th, 2015 06:06

Do tell me, why would the Evo be crap? Facs, not loosely based assumption or opinions. Yelling other people sinethings is crap without telling then why is la low bloe mate. October 29th, 2015 06:07

Cant edit for spelling in phone, sorry

3rdbase8 October 29th, 2015 07:14

Thanks for all of the replys guys very helpful. But on paper what ones out of the high cycle series have the best gear box and motor and all that stuff. And ik the mp5k is not that unique but more unique then the m4 or ak. The p90 it's a hit or mis at the field wether it's unique and for the aug I was getting the high cycle version and I'm pretty sure it's pretty rare because it doesn't look like a normal aug I'll put link here for anyone curious:

Sorry for the big link and also the scorpion I hear is extremely well built and it outperforms a lot of aegs even though it's size is like a mp5k and its said that it has like the best trigger response for the price. October 29th, 2015 08:11

It does, do be aware that its spring guide lugs tend to break. Better order the steel one with it. Other than that it's a solid aeg. Has no more faults and quircks than any other quality aeg. Nothing is bombproof however. With the possible exception of Realsword ;)

3rdbase8 October 29th, 2015 08:26


Originally Posted by (Post 1962826)
It does, do be aware that its spring guide lugs tend to break. Better order the steel one with it. Other than that it's a solid aeg. Has no more faults and quircks than any other quality aeg. Nothing is bombproof however. With the possible exception of Realsword ;)

Are you talking about the scorpion evo? And have you owned it because if you have I have more questions. October 29th, 2015 10:21

I own one yes. ;)

3rdbase8 October 29th, 2015 10:58

How far can this gun shoot in feet do you think and is it accurate and how small is it with the stock off. October 29th, 2015 11:14

I can't say how far since I use it in cqb only, being relatively small. It reaches everywhere i want in cqb, say certainly 30m accurate. I have no range at home. Several reviews to commend for its range and accuracy in such a small package. It hold its own or surpasses most stock or lightly upgraded aegs because of good hop unit and the stability of the one piece steel barrel. That's partly why i bought one, as a possible woodland aeg. Without the stock it's possible to hold it as a heavy pistol, very manoeuvrable! You'll like it, but try and hold it because the pistolgrip can strain the wrists, as does the real steel.

Ricochet October 29th, 2015 11:38


Originally Posted by (Post 1962820)
Do tell me, why would the Evo be crap? Facs, not loosely based assumption or opinions. Yelling other people sinethings is crap without telling then why is la low bloe mate.

ASG is typically a rebranding company, though the Skorpion might be their own. Not good out of the box, not good quality to cost ratio, to be fair I haven't owned one myself, but I'm still waiting to hear a good thing about them.

BioRage October 29th, 2015 12:02

... or just get a VFC.

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