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rithex September 12th, 2015 17:50

G&G GEC36 misfiring after a few shots.
(this is my first airsoft gun) I picked up a G&G GEC36 about a week ago. Sighted it in, worked fine, put maybe 500 rounds through it in my basement. Seemed to work fine.
This morning I was plinking away and it started to shoot maybe 3 shots then dry firing. Took off the mag, 3 bb's fall out..
Put the mag back in, fire 3-5 shots again, dry firing again..

Any ideas where to start diagnosing?

cetane September 12th, 2015 18:54

What bbs are you using? Cheap ones may jam up

rithex September 12th, 2015 19:00

WE .2g bb's

Aragrev7 September 12th, 2015 19:36

High cap mag? Or mid cap?
Same mag you were testing in the basement?
-If you over fill mids, you can force them to double stack and put too much resistance on the spring (the recoil from the shots will shake spring/bbs up enough after every few shots).
-Make sure the mag is sitting flush to the receiver. If it's loose, then it can miss-feed.
-Check to make sure your hop up adjustment isn't too tight, bc it'll keep your bbs from getting through.
-don't reuse your bbs after you've shot them through.

rithex September 12th, 2015 19:49

MidCap, so far the first cause seems the most plausible, I'll reload the mag when I get home after work. Yeah, I'm shooting a soup can in the basement, Most of them shatter hah, wouldn't even think of trying to reuse BB's in the gun I'm not that cheap ;)

Thanks, Ill give that a try later tonight.

lurkingknight September 13th, 2015 14:11

bbs falling out is normal. The tube that leads from the mag to the hopupwill not retain them, and the floaters are pushed up by the bbs below.

next time it dry fires, try shifting the mag around in the magwell, does it tilt, does it push farther up? sometimes a slight angle change will help the flow of bbs out of the mag and up the tube.

Also if it's a midcap, fill the mag and hold it rightside up in a bag or large container and open the retainer that keeps the bbs in, do the bbs fly out or do they just dribble out? the faster they empty, the better. If they just dribble out try a different brand of bb.

rithex September 13th, 2015 16:49

Ok, so I drained the mag and yeah, they came out erratically, so I emptied the entire thing and reloaded it.. Works better now and the BB's spit out quickly, still experiencing a few misfires.. but better than before

The mag sits flush with the gun, doesn't really tilt at all.

Spike September 13th, 2015 18:44

Not sure if this will warrant it's own thread so I'm hijacking yours.

Since the G&Gs only work with their own finicky mags, you can make the Battleaxe Stanag magwell adapter work with the G&G if you cut off and clean up the nozzle on the adapter. I've done it before and it works fine.

Styrak September 16th, 2015 12:36

I've modified UFC G36 midcaps to work with a G&G G36, just takes a bit of filing.

rithex September 17th, 2015 16:38

What part needs filing?

B-rock October 1st, 2015 01:57

Same gun had some similar problems. Tough times trying to find high cap clips which fit and will fire. Let me know what clips you find work best.

Styrak October 1st, 2015 10:55

You can file midcaps, so you could file a hicap too. They're mags, by the way.

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