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warplane95 June 14th, 2015 21:08

Feeding Issue. VFC VR16 with pro-win hop up
I changed litteraly all the internal piece with my gun. Now I have a feeding issue.

The gun vomit the bbs, when I release the mag, arround 5 bbs is dropping.

If i'm pushing the magazine from the bottom it help, but I still have super low FPS bbs once a while.

We tried cheap plastic magazine, stock VFC magazine, MAG magazine, nothing work. I'll put velcro inside the magazine "thing".
We tried a few bucking. Lonex, G&G green, Modify, and two other brand I can't remember. We tried stiff and soft bucking, flat hop and standard nub.

So, i'm starting to think maybe my problem is from the nozzle or the hop up unit.

What do you think it can be?

VFC VR16 gen1
Pro-Win M4
Lonex bucking
Prometheus barrel
ZCI Nozzle

warplane95 June 15th, 2015 11:02


BioRage June 15th, 2015 11:10

Make a video, easier for people to help you.

HKGhost June 15th, 2015 11:17

It's the prowin hop up chamber. They are finicky in some guns and won't work right. They seem to work better in guns with lower tolerance like G&G or CA. VFC have high tolerance and if the hop up chamber doesn't fit just right, it won't work. I have yet to install that chamber in a VFC AR which worked flawlessly. I've had better luck with the Modify hop up chamber.

lurkingknight June 15th, 2015 11:46

I agree, the vfc gearboxes do not like the prowin. It's most likely sitting too far backwards and needs to be shimmed forward a bit but I didn't bother investigating. If you took out the rotary adjusting vfc unit, then that was a mistake, cause that unit in the new vfcs is just as good as the prowin from my experience. It's only weakness is that it's plastic and the feed tube can break.

IF you got the older 3 gear adjusting hopup unit, then the modify chamber is better.

warplane95 June 15th, 2015 12:16

I broke the stock rotary unit by mystake. I'll try to glue it back I think

Do you know other rotary hop up (or great hop) unit that work great in VFC AR15?

warplane95 June 15th, 2015 12:40

Look like I'm having the exact problem:

pestobanana June 15th, 2015 13:48

Just get rid of the pro win and stick a Lonex unit in. Bend the mock bolt slightly so that it does not interfere with the second gear and reset your hop when you close the bolt.

Danke June 15th, 2015 14:10

Just trim the BB release catch on your mags.

You can see as the mags hang low the feed tube isn't fully tripping it; when you push up you let some BBs out and then when you let go it re-engages.

And as a side note dropping 4-5 BBs on mag changes is normal for an AEG.

pestobanana June 15th, 2015 15:05


Originally Posted by Danke (Post 1949985)
Just trim the BB release catch on your mags.

You can see as the mags hang low the feed tube isn't fully tripping it; when you push up you let some BBs out and then when you let go it re-engages.

And as a side note dropping 4-5 BBs on mag changes is normal for an AEG.

The pro win issue is one of nozzle misalignment and had absolutely nothing to do with what you're talking about.

Hectic June 15th, 2015 21:56

the issue of the mag tab would cause no feeding unless you press up on the mag.

warplane95 June 17th, 2015 00:22

I ordered Hop-Up o-ring. I'll give a try.

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