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AnthonyG May 26th, 2015 20:52

Where do you buy Kydex?
I'm looking to purchase some Kydex, and just wondering where the best place to buy from is? had a good selection, but doesn't ship to Canada.

I'm planning to get a rubber training knife, and figured I'd make a sheath since the rubber knives are too thick for regular sheaths.

panzergrenadier May 26th, 2015 21:31 is where I buy mine from.

henchman21 May 26th, 2015 22:44

Tandy Leather also sells Kydex

lurkingknight May 26th, 2015 23:51

knifekits... it gets expensive trying to ship it...but they'll usps it to you. It works out better if you're close to the border and can pick it up from a receiver in the states.

Be careful your rubber knife won't melt in the kydex.... kydex forms at closer to 400F so if you are clamping of using foam to press parts, you could end up deforming your piece.

Danke May 27th, 2015 00:11

Just stick the training knife in a few molle loops.

AnthonyG May 27th, 2015 00:55

I wanted to attach it to either a belt or my leg rig.

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