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daishi May 20th, 2015 11:35

MS3 slings in Canada?
Anybody know where to get an OD ms3 sling in Canada? Online stores are all sold out.

As well...does anyone know if the ACM clone is any good?

BioRage May 20th, 2015 11:48

Don't get a clone just opt out for a real one. Difference is quite large, and to me the sling is holding your precious rifle that is valued at 300+, it's worth it.

Best option to get specific color like OD is to order from Brownells, if you pick parcel shipping it would be about $10-12 shipping.

No duty, tax, etc. under $100.00.

I have an OD MS4 sling maybe up for grabs later, need to test tonight if it will fit my rifle though :P

lurkingknight May 20th, 2015 11:51

real ones aren't that much better than the fake ones.. the hardware is still plastic.. nicer plastic, but it gets chewed up.

The ms2 hardware was much nicer but the tubular webbing was shittier and got chewed up by velcro.

MADDOG May 20th, 2015 13:02

I have this tan one and it works great and is holding up well

EOD Steve May 20th, 2015 13:49


Originally Posted by BioRage (Post 1947241)
Don't get a clone just opt out for a real one. Difference is quite large, and to me the sling is holding your precious rifle that is valued at 300+, it's worth it.

I don't usually advocate for knockoff gear but in this case there's no way I'm paying 4x the price for a 20% increase in quality at most, regardless of cost of the weapon being slung.

I've ran Magpul knockoff slings for the better part of 5 seasons from the MS2 all the way to the MS4 and it has definitely held up.

If OP was asking for other slings where the workmanship is more intricate like the Ferro, VTAC padded or MS1 sling, then I would recommend going with the real deal.

lurkingknight May 20th, 2015 13:59

The problem I have with the ms3 and 4 slings is that even the real ones have a proprietary plastic loop that is closed by a metal hoop... the metal holds up.. the plastic even from magpul will eventually get chewed up and snap, opening the loop and making the gun fall out of the clip.

The fake ms2s were a TERRIFIC deal, they used sailing rigging hardware off the shelf that were made out of steel. The real ms2s used the same hardware, high quality steel sailing rigging. If it broke.. I don't see how it would.. you could unstitch the sling, buy the exact same snap shackle and replace it, sew it back up.

You can't do that for the ms3 and ms4 slings.

EOD Steve May 20th, 2015 14:13

What are you guys hooking your MS3/4s up to that's causing the hardware to get destroyed like that? Or am I just not operator enough to break my slings?

uncle_benny12 May 20th, 2015 14:17

I think one thing to note is the varying quality of the different clone products. I have a PTS branded MS2 and it's a very well made piece of kit.

Can't say the same for the MS3 that I have which is unbranded (generic Chinese clone).

lurkingknight May 20th, 2015 14:47

friend of mine and his vfc pdw last year at nightfall the plastic shackle cape apart and dropped it on the pavement. Wouldn't be a problem if both sides of the damn thing were metal.

Also another friend whose parent's run a gear shop have had real operator feedback on real ms3s with the same complaint.

BrendanL May 20th, 2015 15:35

After using the real ms3 at work carrying my c7, I am not impressed with the quality, if I could go back in time I would have saved my money and bought a blue force gear sling or just the knock off ms3.

HeadlessChicken May 20th, 2015 17:55

I used a clone MS2 on my WE AK PMC and it couldn't take the weight in single point. I replaced it with a legit MS3 and I've been having no issues aside the occasions it gets caught up in some exposed velcro. I picked mine up at Tactical Products Canada along with a pair of Smith Opitcs goggles. I'm very happy with my purchase and the retailer.

AnthonyG May 21st, 2015 01:33

I have a real MS3. I bought it without the 2-point to 1-point adapter piece. I'm having a hell of a time finding a store that has both the adapter and paraclip piece in-stock for less than the price of the sling itself.

If I could do it again, I'd probably just buy a condor sling. The guy at the store up-sold me before I knew much about slings.

beta678 May 21st, 2015 01:46

Yeah... go w/ a MS4 or some other QD sling. I've got a custom MS3 sling and I'm not happy w/ the amount of wear I get on the paraclips.

I run mine on my AK on a sling plate, probably gamed that particular setup ~3 times or so and its gotten chewed up despite how lightly I use my gear.

Might pick up a clone MS3 and see how it fares but I've seen more than one clone MS3 fail on the field. Would not recommend for a heavy gun or if you let you gun hang freely a lot.

Worst case scenario, I go back to my tried and try HK hooks, works great on my G3's two point and not even a scratch or nick. Think there's some 2 to 1 point slings w/ the HK hooks as well.

Farmboy June 4th, 2015 11:29

We have the MS3's in stock.

Found here on the website.

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