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Schwap April 22nd, 2015 11:07

Dye i4 tacticool?
Going to pick up a dye i4, any opinions on it?

Can it be used for milsim?

Any ideas on how to make it look cooler ?

Maniac Marshall April 22nd, 2015 11:23

it's a good paintball mask, that's an odd question

BioRage April 22nd, 2015 11:25


Kim-Haze April 22nd, 2015 11:26

Schwap April 22nd, 2015 11:29

I mean like if I wear it to a milsim game will people make fun of me lol.

BioRage April 22nd, 2015 11:33


Originally Posted by Schwap (Post 1943963)
I mean like if I wear it to a milsim game will people make fun of me lol.

If you play with kids, yeah.

Nobody really cares to be honest.

It's personal preference, you stand out more with a paintball mask then with googles/meshmasks.

SuperCriollo April 22nd, 2015 11:44

While the i4 is good paintball mask, paintball masks altogether tend to be hot and bulky. I would stay away from it and go for a two piece approach.
You should look into getting a pair of desert locust paired with a mesh mask, it is a far superior set up, it works much better than my Sly profit paintball mask.

SuperCriollo April 22nd, 2015 11:44

Double post, please delete.

BioRage April 22nd, 2015 11:46

^Agreed, but if you are on a budget, get a paintball mask like the JT or I4, thermal lenses with not much fogging issues.

Schwap April 22nd, 2015 12:14

I think I'm gonna get like a lower nylon thing that looks like a skull. I am scared with a goggle and mesh. Looks un comfy lol. I want aomethinoike this

Schwap April 22nd, 2015 12:26

I actually already have a dye I may sell it.

Schwap April 22nd, 2015 13:22

What mesh lower and helmet do you guys recommend ?

Maniac Marshall April 22nd, 2015 13:23

man your stories change a lot, now you already have the mask

anyways, those nylon masks get really hot and sweaty, i don't advise them, at that point I would just get a shemagh

Schwap April 22nd, 2015 13:27

Ok. What helmet and lower do you guys recommend ?

BioRage April 22nd, 2015 13:37

Helmet like this would do well.

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