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DKD15 April 15th, 2015 00:29

eye pro recommendations
Like the title says I am looking for some recommendations for new eye pro. I currently use gen x goggles that suck something awful.

I am looking for something that is comfortable yet does not have fogging issues, eye glasses or goggles don't matter.

A friend suggested I check out the valken goggles does anyone have any experience with them? are they any good? or just another cheap goggles system.

L473ncy April 15th, 2015 00:39

It all depends on your field. Are you allowed ballistics or does insurance stipulate ASTM (paintball) approved eyepro only? Valken looks like it's a paintball/airsoft company so maybe but ask the field owner first.

The standard JT Proflex/Flex8 is a popular choice if you need ASTM approved eyepro. Other than that a lot of different companies have offerings from ESS Eyepro to Revision to Smith Optics (Elite series) to whatever else there is out there. My preference is the Revision Sawfly with sport retention strap for glasses and for goggles the Revision Locust but other companies do have similar offerings.

brock0 April 15th, 2015 09:39

Don't go cheap on eye-pro. Nothing ruins the game like not being able to see, nothing ruins your life like losing an eye.

Regardless of what you hear, every goggle without a fan (and even some with) will fog up on you. There are some exceptions (like paintball masks with thermal lenses) but don't believe the "anti-fog" claims. Even ballistic glasses can have moisture problems, depending on how close they sit to your face. Don't rely on anti-fog wipes, solutions, or old wives tales either, because most of them don't do a damn thing.

I recommend Smith OTW Turbofans. Very quiet fan and superior performance. I fog EVERYTHING and these have been amazing for me. Plus, they are full seal and usable at almost all games as opposed to glasses which are not allowed in some places.

They aren't cheap but as with most things in airsoft, you get what you pay for. Regardless of what it is, budget airsoft options sacrifice quality, durability, comfort, and performance for the sake of lower price.

BioRage April 15th, 2015 09:41

^+1 or

I run Revision Desert Locus with Fan + Thermal Lens.. there's a 30% coupon off laying around on google.. they are expensive though :P.

_Whiskey_ April 15th, 2015 09:52

Revision or smith Optics have my vote, Have used both and they work.

chaz April 15th, 2015 19:50

JT paintball goggles have never fogged on me. Personally I find them too big for airsoft so I run a pair of Revision Stingerhawk glasses.

ShelledPants April 15th, 2015 20:20

Smith Optics Aegis Echo's. Best shooting glasses made, imo.

Desmodus April 17th, 2015 14:15

I use my JT thermals pretty much religiously. I have never once fogged up while wearing them, and I can pretty much fog up anything since I'm the latino heat. I tried ESS NVG's with the foam removed and those fogged up more than the city of London.
My only gripe is that they are rather big/bulky, so it can make fumbling with pouches on your rig a little difficult.

zombiesniper April 17th, 2015 15:30

I also run Smith OTW Turbofans, have never fogged them even at my home field which gets to high 30-low40's with 80-90% humidity.

MultipleParadox April 17th, 2015 15:41

I'm just going to put a shameless plug here:

Anyone interested in Smith Optics OTW with fans, I can get them for about 150$Can plus shipping to you. I think they sell at a bit more than 200$ here, plus taxes and such

If there are enough interests, I might be able to get them for a bit cheaper. It's 100% legit and brand new overstock items that I can get from a contact in the US

Only in Tan though
Comes with Molle Pouch, clear and smoke glass

PM me if you are interested ; I might place an "order" relatively soon

Blackthorne April 17th, 2015 16:30

Just keep in mind that when its hit, you are "supposed" to toss them.

The ANSI and MILSPEC ratings on eyewear are based on a single hit. If you take a few to the face you "should" be replacing them.

Kungpow April 18th, 2015 12:34

Well there are a lot of deals on ebay. for Revision Desert Locusts and Smith Optics OTW. Were talking like $20-50 and they are the real deal. I would pick up a pair but Im looking for more low profile goggles.

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