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wuhduhwuh April 10th, 2015 10:48

Different types of FAST helmets?
Can someone tell me what the difference is between the different types of FAST helmets?

I understand that they're all based on MICH 2001, but why are there so many types?

I've seen Ballistic, PJ, Bump, Base Jump, Maritime, Airframes to name a few.

Also in your opinion, which one is the best looking and most comfortable?

BioRage April 10th, 2015 10:56

Most comfortable = Real ones :)

Team wendy also make very comfortable helmets.

But if you want cheap repro, then really get any one, they are more or less the same in terms of comfort (china clone) and just based on style.

Wilkie April 10th, 2015 11:31


Originally Posted by wuhduhwuh (Post 1942282)
Can someone tell me what the difference is between the different types of FAST helmets?

I understand that they're all based on MICH 2001, but why are there so many types?

I've seen Ballistic, PJ, Bump, Base Jump, Maritime, Airframes to name a few.

Also in your opinion, which one is the best looking and most comfortable?

I don't know if they're nessisarly based on the Mich 2001. Said helmet certainly wasn't the first low cut helmet up there.

The ballistic is the standard ballistic set up, the maritime is a smaller lighter version of the ballistic. It still retains it ballistic composition.

The bump, base jump, etc. are non balistic options. I forget the exact differences, but one of them comes with a built in shroud and is more for extreme sports and such

The Airframe is a Crye product, not a Opscore Fast at all

docholiday April 10th, 2015 11:42

Just go to the homepage of Ops Core (producer of the FAST Helmets) all are listed there:

They are all basically the same in terms of padding and strap system so the only non constant factors in terms of comfort is related to weight. Ballistic is obviously heavier than the Base Jump. I have only worn the Carbon and the Base Jump and both are very comfortable.

Now you have to ask yourself 3 questions:
1) NEED Question: Do you need a Ballistic Helmet to stop deadly shrapnel or just a Base jump to protect you from BBs and the occasional bump?
2) WANT Question: Do you want a what real operators use such as the Ballistic Helmets and don't care about what you need from a utility point of view?
3) AFFORDABILITY Question: Can I afford the Ballistic which is considerably more pricey than the e.g. Jump?

Personally I have the Carbon and am happy with it.

EOD Steve April 10th, 2015 13:41


Originally Posted by wuhduhwuh (Post 1942282)
Can someone tell me what the difference is between the different types of FAST helmets?

I understand that they're all based on MICH 2001, but why are there so many types?

I've seen Ballistic, PJ, Bump, Base Jump, Maritime, Airframes to name a few.

Also in your opinion, which one is the best looking and most comfortable?

There are only 4 Ops-Core helmets:
Base Jump, Carbon, Ballistic / Sentry and the Ballistic High Cut / Maritime
The AirFrame is by Crye Precision

The ones you've named are just pseudonyms that knockoff companies have attempted to put on those helmets.

The base jump is sufficient for 95% of airsoft use. If you're planning on doing real-steel training, you may want to get a dual-use helmet and step up to a Ballistic. Comfort-wise, the Base Jump and Carbon are identical and the Ballistics are identical. The former group allows better airflow due to the vented tops.

wuhduhwuh April 11th, 2015 14:52

Thanks for the reply guys,
I was just wondering because I've only ever had a MICH 2000 style helmet
and I'm looking into purchasing one that doesn't have the ear coverings (high cut) helmet.

One thing I forgot to mention is I'm just looking for a good repro, not the actual ops core or crye helmets. I just wanted to know how each one looked so I can do some proper online hunting for their repro counterparts.

daishi April 11th, 2015 16:20

Just a quick question, If I get myself a base jump (not repro) will it be functional with quality nvg units?

I want to get a helmet that I can eventually strap a pair of expensive ass nvg's to, so will an ops core be sufficient, or should I be looking elsewhere?

Smokes April 11th, 2015 16:31

For that price I wouldn't mind getting an ops core base jump FAST, anyone have any info on the dimensions of the size variants?

c3sk April 11th, 2015 18:18


Originally Posted by daishi (Post 1942430)
Just a quick question, If I get myself a base jump (not repro) will it be functional with quality nvg units?

I want to get a helmet that I can eventually strap a pair of expensive ass nvg's to, so will an ops core be sufficient, or should I be looking elsewhere?

Any well made helmet will do, opscores definitely fit the profile. Depending on what type of nvgs you are mounting and their weight/mount tolerances, you may want to consider a helmet with an aluminum shroud vs plastic.

daishi April 13th, 2015 08:43

What types of helmets have an aluminum shroud?

Also, the NVG I had in mind was a run of the mill gen 3 pvs 14...dunno if I need a metal shroud for that or not.

Farmboy April 23rd, 2015 10:47

We have the High Ground Bump helmets located here on the website.

Think we have one large black right now.

High Ground Ripper helmet. We have some large in tan right now.

BioRage April 23rd, 2015 10:48

^ Doubt OP would pay $4xx - $1xxx for a helmet, rather most airsofters. :p

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