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p0nch3 March 13th, 2015 07:39

G&G's G.E.C System
So just watching their preview video and it looks like the Li-Po's with my GSS won't be so useless anymore.

Spike March 13th, 2015 09:03

Some cool looking features. Though I wish they'd add the ability to run your own battery, since chances are that's going to be a piddly little 15c discharge lipo.

Also, I never understood the appeal of the QD pistol grip. Who changes their grip that much?

Also also, looks like their motors are the same same as the top techs, which are overspin city.

▼Stripes▲ March 13th, 2015 09:59

I got real excited when I heard about these, but that is disappointingly proprietary looking.

Rossco66 March 13th, 2015 10:16


Originally Posted by ▼Stripes▲ (Post 1938448)
I got real excited when I heard about these, but that is disappointingly proprietary looking.

This looks like G&G in actually striving to be innovative. This is a business and having vertical integration of proprietary parts is a very smart decision as long as the are readily available and appropriately priced. Its a pain in the ass for us but very smart on their part.

My Audi for example won't allow me to buy replacement wiper blades at Crappy Tire on the cheap due to proprietary attachments points. $60 per replacement instead of $20 for me sucks but it is smart accretive business revenue for them. In that case I would argue the appropriate pricing theory though :(

SuperCriollo March 13th, 2015 12:59

I really like this.
There are already tons of fully TM compatible AEGs on the market. This industry suffers from a terrible lack of innovation. I'm happy to see guns like this coming out, even if its not my particular area of interest.

ThunderCactus March 13th, 2015 15:40


Originally Posted by Spike (Post 1938442)
Some cool looking features. Though I wish they'd add the ability to run your own battery, since chances are that's going to be a piddly little 15c discharge lipo.

I run my ptw off a 15c lipo. Shouldnt need any more than that on a stock setup. Usually just high speed/high torque setups that need more than that.

Wilkie March 13th, 2015 19:29

The fact that its not called the G.E.C.K. Makes me sad

Dynamo March 13th, 2015 20:27

oh the irony. at least they took it farther than i did.
designed this back in 2006. started to put it together, but life got in the way.
this is the 3rd item i have designed in the past 10 years that has been made by someone else years after i shelfed the projects... sigh...
working on a 4th, hopefully this time i can actually make something before someone beats me to it again.

Spike March 13th, 2015 21:34


Originally Posted by ThunderCactus (Post 1938486)
I run my ptw off a 15c lipo. Shouldnt need any more than that on a stock setup. Usually just high speed/high torque setups that need more than that.

Yeah, but these guys are going to come out of the box with neo magnet motors and (most likely) 120 springs, that's still a bit much for a 15c if you play in semi auto a lot. .

pestobanana March 13th, 2015 22:31

For once in my life, I'm not disgusted by shit G&G is coming up with. The battery idea is pretty terribad. I'll just hope the electronic fire controls aren't as shitty as Amoeba boards, and G&G stopped using overly shitty metals.

Rossco66 March 14th, 2015 08:45


Originally Posted by Dynamo (Post 1938521)
oh the irony. at least they took it farther than i did.
designed this back in 2006. started to put it together, but life got in the way.
this is the 3rd item i have designed in the past 10 years that has been made by someone else years after i shelfed the projects... sigh...
working on a 4th, hopefully this time i can actually make something before someone beats me to it again.

Holy shit Batman that is some unbelievably ingenuity cooking in that cranium of yours. You clearly should be doing R&D for KWA or Krytac in the US.

Dynamo March 14th, 2015 09:06


Originally Posted by Rossco66
Holy shit Batman that is some unbelievably ingenuity cooking in that cranium of yours. You clearly should be doing R&D for KWA or Krytac in the US.

thanks man. i have moved onto more real steel design now.

Mcbain500 March 14th, 2015 14:43

I like it.
I think G&G in the future is going to be the company to keep up with if they continue on this path.

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