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shift6 March 9th, 2015 13:32

"Man with 'lookalike AK-47' arrested at gunpoint at Lime Ridge Mall"
Just going to leave this here..... (Couldn't find an appropriate "Dumbass" section to file it under) :banghead:

Danke March 9th, 2015 13:42

1 Attachment(s)
Good to see them using the chart.

Mist3r.B March 9th, 2015 13:45


"It had a definite AK-47 look, with the extendable stock and black magazine."
Yes and I defenitivly have Rian Gosling look with my pale hair and two arms.

Danke March 9th, 2015 13:49

1 Attachment(s)

Originally Posted by Mist3r.B (Post 1937719)
"It had a definite AK-47 look, with the extendable stock and black magazine." .

It's called a clip.

Kayn March 9th, 2015 14:08

no one noticed him on the bus.......ok so note to self "Never take bus in Hamilton"

venture March 9th, 2015 14:40

"definitely had an AK-47 look.....
Had a colt C8 look"

The new C8 is based on the AK-47?

naminator March 9th, 2015 14:49

I am more curious if the foregrip was taken off the gun prior to him being arrested or after... Because honestly that thing looks nothing like a gun. Even from a bit of a distance it looks fake.

docholiday March 9th, 2015 15:00

Even has a barrel bag on. Safety first.

_Whiskey_ March 9th, 2015 15:14

just glad its a paintball gun and not airsoft

BioRage March 9th, 2015 15:15


Originally Posted by Danke (Post 1937718)
Good to see them using the chart.


That picture is win.

Well seems the kid wasn't charged.

Ricochet March 9th, 2015 15:51

Maybe he had a paintball open carry permit.....

daishi March 9th, 2015 16:01

Well obviously this guy just wanted to stop in get some pepperoni sticks, look "kewl" and bad ass walking around the mall with a "gun" on his back and smoke, and stop off and pick up some new white sneakers to wear to the paintball game.

localfreerider March 9th, 2015 17:00

wow... just wow! good on the cops for not lighting him up, wow.

Everybody knows you never go full retard.

waylander March 9th, 2015 17:21

Sometimes I think there's an actual class in Jr/Sr high school for stupidity... I mean how do you think that would be "kewl" in any way? Let's walk through a public mall smoking a cig with a replica assault rifle slung on my shoulder....

FOX_111 March 9th, 2015 17:47

Then, they where offended by him smoking inside the mall.
That's canadian as fuck!

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