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crent February 21st, 2015 19:16

Riser Question
Need recommendations on a riser for a holo sight for a tr4 18, using full paintball mask so can't get my face down far enuff to use anything...

also any recommendations on holo sight or similar that use bigger batteries then button style..


Rusty Lugnuts February 21st, 2015 21:39

im happy with this one.
Some people cut their masks down to help as well

crent February 21st, 2015 22:17

perfect! rather riser than cut down mask, seems counterproductive

Slodin February 22nd, 2015 02:07

I got one from
they have a bunch of cheap risers...

too bad you are not in BC..then I can just give it to you for 10 bucks lol

crent February 22nd, 2015 02:10

the one from venture isnt too bad cost wise, but i hear you, more money for other upgrades...

Ricochet February 22nd, 2015 04:57

UTG/Leaper makes one that is solid for airsoft.

Foxer2373 February 22nd, 2015 15:13

Be aware that if you are using a paintball mask eye relief becomes an issue and if you use a riser there is a good chance your sight picture will be well above your BB's and render your optic useless.

crent February 22nd, 2015 17:55


Originally Posted by Foxer2373 (Post 1935168)
Be aware that if you are using a paintball mask eye relief becomes an issue and if you use a riser there is a good chance your sight picture will be well above your BB's and render your optic useless.

yeah figured that out, going to a either a red dot or holo sight and placing the dot above where I want to hit; its approx 3" difference. i'll know better once it gets warmer and i get out to sight it in

either that and i go to just a mask and McGuyver a lower face covering allowing the sight to be closer to the barrel..

or heat gun the paintball mask to relief for the stock...

or maybe something like this

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