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boogiebot February 4th, 2015 17:46

so these glasses meet the requirements for ansi and mil spec and do provide a full seal for the eyes when placed on. would a field allow you to play with these?

Styrak February 4th, 2015 17:47

You can look up this information up yourself, can you not?

siggypoo February 4th, 2015 17:50

Tell in' the bot it'd be 5x5, lol.

Location: YYZ VOR 062 radial, 17.5 DME FL5280

boogiebot February 4th, 2015 17:57


Originally Posted by Styrak (Post 1932243)
You can look up this information up yourself, can you not?

sorry i should have been more specific. as long as the lenses are full seal on a persons face there should be no reason for a field to deny you access is that correct?

Danke February 4th, 2015 18:05

They're unlikely to be a full seal.

For that you need the soft rubber and foam of a goggle to conform to your features.

A hard plastic sunglasses frame won't do that.

They're shooting glasses. Not being shot at glasses.

Red Dot February 4th, 2015 18:19

A quick look up and no, they are not full-seal so most fields won't allow them.

Ricochet February 4th, 2015 18:23

Depends on the fields rules. Lowest grade protection accepted anywhere would be full wrap around, single piece glasses (as in no snap on side shields, and the lenses AND frames must be ANSI rated. Other places may require ballistic lenses and a retention strap, while others require full seal ballistic and/or paintball goggles.

If your local field only requires glasses, let me give you some advice. Ensure your frames are rated as well, not just the lenses. Once your glasses are on there should be ZERO angles for a direct hit to the eye. If your lenses do not have the flares or wings that wrap right around the eye, then the are inadequate, period, end of discussion. A slash strap or retention strap is also a boon as glasses can fall off of your head.

Looking at the det cords, they are not designed for this kind of use. You could wear them shooting, but there is no wrap around protection for the sides of your eyes. In very rare circumstances people have gotten away with certain frames due to facial shape. Your going to be looking into something more like the Oakley SI M-frames. Full eye coverage by ballistic or safety lenses are minimum. Det cords will only protect from straight on.

Another piece of advice; safety glass or ANSI rated glasses are only designed and rated for one hit or strike. Once a BB has hit them, they are technically no good anymore. In order to have a 'full seal', then they must have a proper foam or rubberized gasket to seal around the eye. The lenses and frames do not count.

boogiebot February 4th, 2015 18:31


Originally Posted by Ricochet (Post 1932253)
Depends on the fields rules. Lowest grade protection accepted anywhere would be full wrap around, single piece glasses (as in no snap on side shields, and the lenses AND frames must be ANSI rated. Other places may require ballistic lenses and a retention strap, while others require full seal ballistic and/or paintball goggles.

If your local field only requires glasses, let me give you some advice. Ensure your frames are rated as well, not just the lenses. Once your glasses are on there should be ZERO angles for a direct hit to the eye. If your lenses do not have the flares or wings that wrap right around the eye, then the are inadequate, period, end of discussion. A slash strap or retention strap is also a boon as glasses can fall off of your head.

Looking at the det cords, they are not designed for this kind of use. You could wear them shooting, but there is no wrap around protection for the sides of your eyes. In very rare circumstances people have gotten away with certain frames due to facial shape. Your going to be looking into something more like the Oakley SI M-frames. Full eye coverage by ballistic or safety lenses are minimum. Det cords will only protect from straight on.

Another piece of advice; safety glass or ANSI rated glasses are only designed and rated for one hit or strike. Once a BB has hit them, they are technically no good anymore. In order to have a 'full seal', then they must have a proper foam or rubberized gasket to seal around the eye. The lenses and frames do not count.

ok thanks Ricochet

ShadowTwoSix February 4th, 2015 22:30


Originally Posted by Danke (Post 1932247)
They're shooting glasses. Not being shot at glasses.

Well said Danke!

Also, I'm not aware of any fields in the Lower Mainland or Fraser Valley areas of BC that will allow anything less than full seal. Can't speak for the rest of the province though.

Ricochet February 4th, 2015 23:39

Any field/facility that has insurance will require full-seal goggles, as a requirement of the insurance provider. If you can get your hands on a Helo kit, which is something I am currently trying to do, you can run Oakley SI M-frames, providing you also have a slash-strap.

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