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airsoftjunky January 22nd, 2015 13:31

UR Tactical plate carriers
Any love here for UR Tactical plate carriers? Here's a link to the style I'm interested in:

I like the bare necessities of it, and it looks comfy....

AlexGPS January 22nd, 2015 13:50

If youre looking for something else apart from ur-tactical check they have a really good plate carrier and its fairly cheap. Its the same as the lbt6094 design but at a fraction of the price.

Ricochet January 22nd, 2015 16:05

UR-Tac makes great stuff, however, their Easy Plate PC is very small. Let me explain; if you get a Crye JPC, a High Ground PC, etc, they are small, light-weight and ergonomic. The UR-Tac PC is like a sports bra in comparison. ThunderCactus on these forums is a small dude and he has one, and it looks tiny on him. Perhaps get the larger plate sized ones? As far as quality though, UR-Tac is awesome, get their BDUs of you ever need a set.

beta678 January 22nd, 2015 16:31


Originally Posted by Ricochet (Post 1930069)
UR-Tac makes great stuff, however, their Easy Plate PC is very small. Let me explain; if you get a Crye JPC, a High Ground PC, etc, they are small, light-weight and ergonomic. The UR-Tac PC is like a sports bra in comparison. ThunderCactus on these forums is a small dude and he has one, and it looks tiny on him. Perhaps get the larger plate sized ones? As far as quality though, UR-Tac is awesome, get their BDUs of you ever need a set.

Doesn't the Easy PC come in 3 sizes?

Been considering grabbing one as well so I can toss on my spare highlander pouches for a dedicated rig for one of my setups (though I really should get a MC rig instead...).

airsoftjunky January 22nd, 2015 19:13


Originally Posted by beta678 (Post 1930076)
Doesn't the Easy PC come in 3 sizes?

Been considering grabbing one as well so I can toss on my spare highlander pouches for a dedicated rig for one of my setups (though I really should get a MC rig instead...).

Yea. Medium, Large, and XL. Perhaps I should grab a Large? Looks like this iis another one of those times when it'd be great to try before I buy....
As for size, I don't mind it being small. I don't need all that tacticool clutter etc. Just room for 4 or 5 pouches, couple frag pouches, and a small radio pouch. This PC will easy fit that by the looks of the pic, just as long as it feels comfortable to wear.

Chromey January 22nd, 2015 19:23

I clicked the link and Thought it was for GIjoes..

Its perfect for the Chairsofters that need training bras

ThunderCactus January 22nd, 2015 20:00

problem with the easy plate is the cummerbund.
It's literally a single piece of hemmed fabric with molle sewn to it. Zero support, any pouch you put there is gonna dig into you, and you can mount anything on the inside of it either.

I highly recommend the first spear STT, JPC, or FCPC

airsoftjunky January 22nd, 2015 22:48


Originally Posted by ThunderCactus (Post 1930117)
problem with the easy plate is the cummerbund.
It's literally a single piece of hemmed fabric with molle sewn to it. Zero support, any pouch you put there is gonna dig into you, and you can mount anything on the inside of it either.

I highly recommend the first spear STT, JPC, or FCPC

Thanks man. That's helpfull info that saves me $. I actually own a jpc and am looking at getting another one or two in different camos. This caused me to be side tracked though. I was counting on being able to mount stuff on the sides like on my jpc.
Thanks for saving me 150 more wasted smackaroos.

EchoFourTwelve January 23rd, 2015 00:13

The Mayflower APC has my vote. I have one with a custom made slick cummerbund from Perroz Designs ( or PM MilanWG here on ASC) and i love it. It holds training plates well, its rugged, and its comfy as tits.

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