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GMoney January 7th, 2015 12:36

GMoney's Loadout Thread
4 Attachment(s)
As promised. I am home from work, and here are some pictures of my loadout. Its nothing spectacular compared to most of the stuff I've seen here, but this will be a work in progress and I'll be tweaking here and there to adjust to what I find likeable.
I chose the Canadian Olive Drabs to pay homage to our military of the past, with a nod to the military of the present.
I had planned on doing a spec-ops type outfit, but I think for the moment It'll just be a basic ground forces idea until I find something I like.

localfreerider January 7th, 2015 20:13

Must be some pair of pants to dedicate a whole thread to them! I await your pics.

R.I.T.Z January 7th, 2015 21:03

but are they blood diamond pants?

Canadian Psycho January 7th, 2015 22:08


Originally Posted by R.I.T.Z (Post 1927498)
but are they blood diamond pants?

bwahahahahaha, great, now i need a new keyboard.

GMoney January 8th, 2015 00:55

Pics added

AlexGPS January 8th, 2015 01:42

That loadout looks similar to what i used to wear back in Cyprus in the military but only for 2 weeks. Wasnt in the propper health to do the military.

Danke January 8th, 2015 01:53

Pictures are too damn big.

GMoney January 8th, 2015 02:16


Originally Posted by AlexGPS (Post 1927529)
That loadout looks similar to what i used to wear back in Cyprus in the military but only for 2 weeks. Wasnt in the propper health to do the military.

The BDU's are Canadian Military issue, early 80s.

AlexGPS January 8th, 2015 03:12

Ya but the loadout in general is kind of what we used to wear without the guns. We where lucky to have a functioning G3 to use. 7.62 rounds with a crooked barrel wasnt fun.

GMoney January 8th, 2015 03:36


Originally Posted by AlexGPS (Post 1927536)
Ya but the loadout in general is kind of what we used to wear without the guns. We where lucky to have a functioning G3 to use. 7.62 rounds with a crooked barrel wasnt fun.

I can imagine. I heard horror stories while my father was in. He's been to Cyprus as well, and he's been to Golan Heights, Bosnia-Herzgovina, and a ton of other places.
Its a shame our military came to that. Hell..Our peacekeepers in Rwanda during the Genocide didn't even have bullets in their guns...and HAD they had them, they still wouldn't have been able to use them...

AlexGPS January 8th, 2015 03:42

Indeed its a shame. Especially when half the country is under Turkish controll, we as soldiers have shitty equipment to defend oureselfes if god forbid anything happened. I remember once my brother in law brought his G3 home for safe keeping since in Cyprus you take your rifle home with you when your done with your 2 year military service and so i picked it up and pulled back the charging handle and so on to check if its safe and the condition it was in was horrible and also his was one of the "newer" models with the collapsable butt stock and so on. Its a joke.

whisp January 9th, 2015 10:45

Looks good.

I have some of my original bdu's and have the canadian camo jump smok.

I ended up switching out to new od fatigues but still wear my old boony cap.

I have two setups though. One with plate carrier and one with a h-harness setup to mimmik the old h strap setup we wore in the 90's. Still waiting on a canteen and canteen holder which should arrive in an hour or two.

GMoney January 9th, 2015 19:35


Originally Posted by whisp (Post 1927741)
Looks good.

I have some of my original bdu's and have the canadian camo jump smok.

I ended up switching out to new od fatigues but still wear my old boony cap.

I have two setups though. One with plate carrier and one with a h-harness setup to mimmik the old h strap setup we wore in the 90's. Still waiting on a canteen and canteen holder which should arrive in an hour or two.

Very nice. I used to really really hate the relish camo we have now. But once I got issued them in Gagetown, I wouldnt stop wearing them. I felt like I was betraying the Navy lol

GMoney January 9th, 2015 23:43

3 Attachment(s)
Went on a shopping spree yesterday at the local Army Surplus Shop and walked out with a new loadout.
Here it is.

whisp January 11th, 2015 10:29

2 Attachment(s)
Yeah the cadpat is a bit odd but it has its functionality with ir and such.

Here is a pic of what I did. Hopefully its ok to show a pic if not just tell me and I will remove from post. Don't want to hijack or anything.

One thing I do want to get is a new pair of the black combat boots. Boots I have there are for dry days and such. Need a pair for wet weather.

Also second pic is of my modern H-harness setup, battle belt and instead of the butt pack I have an airtank pouch since I am running a wolverine smp system. The H-harness system is what I will be running primarily. First pic is of plate carrier setup. Need to get a new pic done for my new setup of rifle and gear. Also put an Elcan on my rifle for a more Canadian look.

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