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GunSlinger096 December 28th, 2014 16:05

3D printed parts.
Hello, I recently watched a very interesting VICE documentary about a guy in the states and his fight to be allowed to print 3D printed lower receivers for real steal guns. The thought then crossed my mind is anyone has or has heard of people printing parts for airsoft guns, the problem this guy had was the plastic was too weak to withstand the recoil, a problem printing parts for a airsoft gun would not have.

jordan7831 December 28th, 2014 16:27

I think Makaii on here has a lot of stuff on shapeways that you can buy. So yes you can 3d print some airsoft parts. It would be ideal for hard to find/replace parts for the more rare guns out there.

RainyEyes December 28th, 2014 17:00


Originally Posted by GunSlinger096 (Post 1926128)
Hello, I recently watched a very interesting VICE documentary about a guy in the states and his fight to be allowed to print 3D printed lower receivers for real steal guns. The thought then crossed my mind is anyone has or has heard of people printing parts for airsoft guns, the problem this guy had was the plastic was too weak to withstand the recoil, a problem printing parts for a airsoft gun would not have.

The weak plastic part was later resolved a few months later. He has now designed and printed a reliable and working receiver for a real steel gun.

Cobrajr122 December 28th, 2014 17:03

Kokanee has printed parts before, he even sells them :P

Kokanee December 29th, 2014 16:11

Gotta love having a $3k 3D printer sitting in the basement :)

FULLMETAL December 29th, 2014 16:24

are you talking about the Ghost gunner? Is worth 1.2k...

Cpt Skeptic December 30th, 2014 13:42

I've printed tappet plates and some other items, but it's not any cheaper than buying it really, if you can find what you're looking for. There is all that 3d modelling time to design/copy the part. I did print a lower receiver for my M4, found a model online made some changes to make it work with the gear box. And well it's a nice paperweight. Too much deflection in the ABS to work without a hours of sanding and such. Granted I only have a 2K printer...

RainyEyes December 30th, 2014 17:37


Originally Posted by FULLMETAL (Post 1926259)
are you talking about the Ghost gunner? Is worth 1.2k...

No he's talking about this turkey. He's (was) a law-student who is a self proclaimed anarchist that broke the law and claims to know said law that he broke, resulting in FBI investigation.

Good watch, but it has me face palming in some scenes.

Kokanee December 30th, 2014 19:19

Where it comes in handy is for parts that you need NOW. To be honest, most of what I print are battletech scenery bits etc, but I'm actually printing parts for "around the house" pretty regular like.

This month I printed up a bunch of 1/35 scale items to be used in a scale model for a museum display.

siggypoo December 30th, 2014 20:22

I printed off a Scar safety idea I had. Turned out pretty good, and someday I might get an aluminum one CNCd.

Location: YYZ VOR 062 radial, 17.5 DME FL5280

Styrak December 31st, 2014 10:00

A Canadian has already 3D-printed a Ruger 10/22 receiver and it works great.

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