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True_Minecrafter December 21st, 2014 14:46

Ukrainian Military Loadout Questions
First off, please ignore my name. I really want to change it but can't pay to change it. But on to the topic!

I want to create a Ukrainian Paratrooper loadout for airsoft. I need help finding the uniform. I would like a Ukrainian TTsKO pattern w/o any other patches on it cause I already have some patches here that I will sew on. I also want a vest that will go along with it. Not like a MOLLE vest but one of those Lazutchik or Yeger vests.

Desmodus December 21st, 2014 15:19

The only source I've seen for TTsKo uniforms was ebay but I have no idea if those are legit or repro's. You could also try the Red-Alliance forums as there is a fair bit of TTskO that makes its way around there.

Good luck!

True_Minecrafter December 21st, 2014 22:48


Originally Posted by Desmodus (Post 1925313)
The only source I've seen for TTsKo uniforms was ebay but I have no idea if those are legit or repro's. You could also try the Red-Alliance forums as there is a fair bit of TTskO that makes its way around there.

Good luck!

I see. Well. Do you think there are any alternatives that will look good. Like I was thinking Flora or Digi Flora

Nimble December 21st, 2014 23:29 based out of sevastopol though so its chancy at the moment. they have tons of UA stuff. Also check frontowiec. mainly russian but some ukraine gear. based out of poland. great shipping/ prices/ delivery times. konrad is very professional and customer service oriented

Nimble December 21st, 2014 23:31

GR December 21st, 2014 23:41

I'm currently running a somewhat modified Ukrainian load-out, will post some pics. It depends if you want "old" style (before the events of past November), or some of the more "modern" types (post winter 2013, which I am currently trying to make).

Old type is harder; mostly later soviet types of gear (TTsKO is mostly prevalent, but Flora also appears; Digi-Flora is close to non-existent, and is actually a current standard for the Russian Army).
Modern types consists mostly of western-style gear (as I have also donated to them), and is not too much of a hassle to re-create (we're talking about A LOT of multicam). If you need any pics, I'll gladly provide. :)

True_Minecrafter December 22nd, 2014 14:54


Originally Posted by airsoftsoldier250 (Post 1925360) based out of sevastopol though so its chancy at the moment. they have tons of UA stuff. Also check frontowiec. mainly russian but some ukraine gear. based out of poland. great shipping/ prices/ delivery times. konrad is very professional and customer service oriented

Haha, funny you mention Frontowiec. I am Polish and I buy almost all of my military collectibles from there. Don't know why I didn't check yet.

True_Minecrafter December 22nd, 2014 14:55


Originally Posted by GR (Post 1925365)
I'm currently running a somewhat modified Ukrainian load-out, will post some pics. It depends if you want "old" style (before the events of past November), or some of the more "modern" types (post winter 2013, which I am currently trying to make).

Old type is harder; mostly later soviet types of gear (TTsKO is mostly prevalent, but Flora also appears; Digi-Flora is close to non-existent, and is actually a current standard for the Russian Army).
Modern types consists mostly of western-style gear (as I have also donated to them), and is not too much of a hassle to re-create (we're talking about A LOT of multicam). If you need any pics, I'll gladly provide. :)

If you could just provide me a picture of the front. Or really anything. I don't want to ask too much from you.

GR December 22nd, 2014 19:05

Sure, no problem.

Here are some summarizing pictures:

1) Old-type gear (mostly post-Soviet stuff; what the Army looked like before winter 2013)

2) Modern type (to what the Army is currently trying to be upgraded to; when I was buying gear to send them, I was told DPM, Multicam, and plain Black are the common choices, however, whatever the guys get, everything is welcome).

This one in particular is of a "Киборг" ("Cyborg") - one of the best units. Got their nickname from being very good at what they do and simply refusing to go down.

3) This is the particular one I'm basing my loadout on, with a few variations (Flora and Multicam instead of DPM and Black)

If you need any more help or pics, I'll gladly provide. :)

True_Minecrafter December 22nd, 2014 20:12


Originally Posted by GR (Post 1925497)
Sure, no problem.

Here are some summarizing pictures:

1) Old-type gear (mostly post-Soviet stuff; what the Army looked like before winter 2013)

2) Modern type (to what the Army is currently trying to be upgraded to; when I was buying gear to send them, I was told DPM, Multicam, and plain Black are the common choices, however, whatever the guys get, everything is welcome).

This one in particular is of a "Киборг" ("Cyborg") - one of the best units. Got their nickname from being very good at what they do and simply refusing to go down.

3) This is the particular one I'm basing my loadout on, with a few variations (Flora and Multicam instead of DPM and Black)

If you need any more help or pics, I'll gladly provide. :)

That really helps a ton! I appreciate you taking time from your life to help me out! Thanks again!

Dmitry December 22nd, 2014 20:34

Nice camo before 2013, but after it is like "solanka", you put what you have or what donated from some people ... so it doesn't good idea to use a period from 2013 - present.... Thant mean, i donated corean nord camo, so we can use that for ukrop loadout LOL
But, our team based in this rules.

МоделированиРµ ЦСО "А" СБУ
(google translate is best friend for you)

and you can see more picture in this page


where can you buy ?

Bonne chance :)

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