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Zack The Ripper December 19th, 2014 09:59

Oakley M Frame Helo Gasket Kit in Canada
I have been looking high and low for a place in Canada that has the Helo kit for the Oakley M Frames however have had zero luck. While I can find multiple retailers in Canada selling the M Frame glasses themselves, my only option seems to be the states for the Helo kit.

Was searching and found out that Evike had the glasses and the gasket kit for a great price with relatively cheap shipping at about $180USD shipped. However, to my dismay when I went to check out I got a notice that one of the items in my cart could not be shipped to Canada as it is a restricted item. This item was the Helo kit. This makes absolutely no sense to me considering the glasses are perfectly fine to ship and the gasket is a small piece of foam rubber..

The only retailers that seemed able to ship to Canada were charging Vegas hooker pricing for shipping, US Patriot Tactical just to name one.

Now, does anyone know where I can get this item in Canada or from elsewhere without having to suck several dicks in the process to pay for importation? I just want a $25 piece of foam rubber for Christ's sake. :-(

waylander December 19th, 2014 10:23

sucks... $55 on ebay shipped from UK. Cheapest I could find.

Zack The Ripper December 19th, 2014 10:32

Yeah, it seems so ridiculous that the gasket would be so hard to get at a reasonable price.

Danke December 19th, 2014 10:48

Did you call any of the places in Canada selling ballistic M frames or just check online?

kullwarrior December 19th, 2014 11:25

Helo Kit is an ITAR item hence they are technically supposed to be export restricted. It's pointless to debate why certain items are not on ITAR

Zack The Ripper December 19th, 2014 12:55


Helo kit being ITAR has officially broken my bullshit metre. That's just good ol' dumb.

Danke December 19th, 2014 13:41

Did you phone around or just search the web?

I know DS Tactical has a big case of the Ballistic M Frames and other Oakley Military stuff.

Strange things happen and the gaskets may be ITAR restricted. It's probably more likely Oakley themselves who have told US retailers they can't export. They want customers in Canada buying from their online store or their supported dealers vs. shopping across the border.

Zack The Ripper December 19th, 2014 14:48

DS Tactical was my first stop as I knew they had them in. No Helo kits and I think if they could have gotten them in with all the other Oakley stuff they have that they would have. However, I will still be calling to double check.

Kullwarrior, do you know for sure that the Helo kit is ITAR?

Danke December 19th, 2014 15:12

They could be hard to find because they didn't work as well as Oakley thought they would.

I looked at them online when people in the UK were talking about using them to make full seal goggles that were low profile and batter than the Smith Boogie regulator.

I'm not sure how good a seal you can get with a removable gasket that's only secured in one place.

Post up what you find though if there are sets inside Canada.

Azathoth December 19th, 2014 15:45

ITAR controls a huge array of items and technologies. Coatings on the lens to improve impact/scratch resistance is among one of the technologies. My Zeiss eye glass lenses are no longer importable from the US and have to made in Germany and sent to Canada due to ITAR.

What Danke said could be true too. Never heard of what you are looking for so it could be a discontinued product.

Zack The Ripper December 19th, 2014 22:15

It's commonly used I'm the states as a full seal option.

Will look further into this.

Ricochet December 20th, 2014 13:00

If yourself or anyone does find a reasonable supply option for the helo Kit, please let me know. Out here you must wear full sealed eyewear, which sucks balls, but it is what it is. It's so wet out here though that all my eyewear goes full retard immediately and I can't see shit out of it. There are fan kits and everything else, but I don't want the buzzing if I can help it, and I prefer light and low profile.

Zack The Ripper December 20th, 2014 16:00

Yeah, that's where I'm at. My full seals don't for on me, but they are Smith Optics OTWs and are very bulky. Goofy to wearing with a cap or boonie too. My NOD sits right against the lens too. Just need something better.

brock0 December 20th, 2014 16:38

Is the m frame with helo kit any better though... I hope so. I think full seal no fog low pro is a unicorn.

chaz December 20th, 2014 17:07

The only goggles I had that didn't fog were JT Paintball dual pane ones. I have tried some others that claimed to be fog proof dual pane low pro but no go.
I switched to glasses because of this.

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