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shinobii December 8th, 2014 11:28

Mach1 Airsoft Arena needs your input.
We are at it again.
So, the new Mach1 Airsoft Arena seems to be kicking ass and taking names since it opened up. All possible by the insane support from our dedicated public. This is going to make the possibility of an East GTA field even better. But before we dive in to that insane project, we're going to perfect the current field. We are likely going to add two more kill houses and multi-level play within the main floor area. That is of course in addition to our huge upper level mezzanine. Keep in mind with the addition of these extra structures, long range cross fire will be somewhat reduced, but the tactical strategy of the field will increase drastically. You will have many more corners and angles to negotiate. But before we put screws to wood, we want to hear your thoughts. What will make the field better? What will make you drive through blizzards and torrential down pour to come to our Arena?
Don't tell us to make it bigger. We'll save that for the next location.
One more major announcement coming soon.

BioRage December 8th, 2014 11:43

I do believe there needs to be a bit more cover, as there are a lot of "open" area to where you can't really move up to get cover... Give more feedback once I actually play Wednesday, just from what I've heard/seen (Videos)

Wli December 8th, 2014 13:44

Only suggestion I have is to allow .28s to be used. I have a systema with a flat hop in it but it will over hop .25. I'm sure I'm not the only one with a gun that needs .28 as a minimum to shoot straight and not the ceiling. Especially since the fps is 380 for .20s, I think .28s are viable for this indoor place.

Vivek92 December 8th, 2014 13:53

Not about the arena or rules themselves but having the store open on sunday along with the arena would be cool. Especially if horrifying gun failure occurs and parts are needed ASAP :P

daishi December 8th, 2014 17:15


Originally Posted by Wli (Post 1923575)
Only suggestion I have is to allow .28s to be used. I have a systema with a flat hop in it but it will over hop .25. I'm sure I'm not the only one with a gun that needs .28 as a minimum to shoot straight and not the ceiling. Especially since the fps is 380 for .20s, I think .28s are viable for this indoor place.

Why not just do what ever place has ever done... chrono 350fps on .2s

Really quite simple..and eliminates people asking what ammo they can use. Pass a 350fps .2 chrono and you are good.

GR December 8th, 2014 17:25

My only suggestion would be to keep some areas for long range engagements, or at least not make it too crammed.

pestobanana December 8th, 2014 17:52


Originally Posted by daishi (Post 1923595)
Why not just do what ever place has ever done... chrono 350fps on .2s

Really quite simple..and eliminates people asking what ammo they can use. Pass a 350fps .2 chrono and you are good.

If a host has FPS restrictions based on BB weight, they are concerned about joule creep.
Do you have any idea how joule creep works?

ShelledPants December 8th, 2014 18:08

I get the P* guys have their own issues, but here's my take:

Chrony at 350 with .20's.

Shoot with .20's at 350. Disallow higher weights and higher fps.

You don't need .28's or .30's for indoors. You need that outdoors for cutting through bush.

I understand that .28's and .30's fly straighter, but to what margin within 100 feet? All you're doing is increasing the pain threshold.

As for joule creep, take that into account when you tune your P* and GBBR. Shoot less hot. It's a courtesy. FPS limits are limits. Not goals.

The whole "but .20's don't feed in my gun" is bullshit. Buy better brand BB's.


EDIT: If you want to be a super gun doc and tune your guns to run within the margins of the rules, expect backlash when rules are changed or the chrony is acting up.

The other option is just to tell people that any FPS and any Joule is allowed, dress for the game, and chrony to ensure the gun isn't at firearm levels.

The lesson learned here is that whenever you establish rules, some fucking snowflake is going to want to bypass them to get "more performance", and you need some scientific method to maintain order across the board.

All of the issues discussed here is why I (and many others) don't attend public games. A lot of private games run without FPS or Joule limits, but we are all buddies and accept that we don't want to hurt each other. In public games there are often psychopaths who enjoy inflicting pain on strangers, and I've experienced it first hand at many locations across Ontario, and called them out on it for either running hot or doing some other dangerous method of play. I'm sick of it.

EDIT 2: If you're running flat hop/rhop etc, just buy a different barrel setup for indoors. Flat/RHop is designed for extreme range. If you're running a $1200-2500 gun, you can afford to stop bitching and buy a $200 barrel system for indoor play, or invest in a $400 complete upper and drop it in. If you can't, you shouldn't be running such top kit. /keyboardcommando

EDIT 3: Mach1, sorry for shitting in your thread, the above has been bothering me for years.
I like what you guys are doing and I've got a bunch of teammates who love the new arena. Keep up the good work! :)

Wli December 8th, 2014 18:25

The reason I'm asking is only because of the flat hop in my ptw which makes anything lighter than a .28 act like an antiaircraft gun, not because .20s don't feed well. I got no problem using another gun but I'd just like to use that gun at times.

Red Dot December 8th, 2014 18:35

Linked kill houses will be dope. More second story and access to the existing second story from the back alley.

I personally like to play with .25s at 320 FPS or under. From what I understand I believe that puts it around 1 joule but I could be wrong.

See you guys Saturday. :)

Stryker December 8th, 2014 22:11


Originally Posted by ShelledPants (Post 1923606)

EDIT 3: Mach1, sorry for shitting in your thread, the above has been bothering me for years.
I like what you guys are doing and I've got a bunch of teammates who love the new arena. Keep up the good work! :)

Totally understand where you are coming from Tom!

Sequential December 8th, 2014 22:16


Originally Posted by ShelledPants (Post 1923606)
I get the P* guys have their own issues, but here's my take:

Chrony at 350 with .20's.

Shoot with .20's at 350. Disallow higher weights and higher fps.

You don't need .28's or .30's for indoors. You need that outdoors for cutting through bush.

I understand that .28's and .30's fly straighter, but to what margin within 100 feet? All you're doing is increasing the pain threshold.

As for joule creep, take that into account when you tune your P* and GBBR. Shoot less hot. It's a courtesy. FPS limits are limits. Not goals.

The whole "but .20's don't feed in my gun" is bullshit. Buy better brand BB's.


EDIT: If you want to be a super gun doc and tune your guns to run within the margins of the rules, expect backlash when rules are changed or the chrony is acting up.

The other option is just to tell people that any FPS and any Joule is allowed, dress for the game, and chrony to ensure the gun isn't at firearm levels.

The lesson learned here is that whenever you establish rules, some fucking snowflake is going to want to bypass them to get "more performance", and you need some scientific method to maintain order across the board.

All of the issues discussed here is why I (and many others) don't attend public games. A lot of private games run without FPS or Joule limits, but we are all buddies and accept that we don't want to hurt each other. In public games there are often psychopaths who enjoy inflicting pain on strangers, and I've experienced it first hand at many locations across Ontario, and called them out on it for either running hot or doing some other dangerous method of play. I'm sick of it.

EDIT 2: If you're running flat hop/rhop etc, just buy a different barrel setup for indoors. Flat/RHop is designed for extreme range. If you're running a $1200-2500 gun, you can afford to stop bitching and buy a $200 barrel system for indoor play, or invest in a $400 complete upper and drop it in. If you can't, you shouldn't be running such top kit. /keyboardcommando

EDIT 3: Mach1, sorry for shitting in your thread, the above has been bothering me for years.
I like what you guys are doing and I've got a bunch of teammates who love the new arena. Keep up the good work! :)


AlexGPS December 8th, 2014 22:30

If you guys dont mind me saying certain stuff about ShelledPants post is that hes right. There will always be some one that doesnt think and wants to push 400+ fps outta his gun during cqb events. Iv had past incidents that an injury occured because of hot guns in cqb areas. Im not judging Mach 1 Airsoft nor have i visited before (new to Canadian airsoft) so i cant add my two cents to the matter, but what i do know is that hot guns and heavy bbs in a cqb enviroment is certainly a no no.

CLLouis December 9th, 2014 12:29

Possibility of building a two storey wood mansion across from the two storey building?

More two storey buildings interconnecting on building to another?

Access to second level in the existing two storey building instead of the ends (i.e. stairs in the middle/wood ladders)


shinobii December 9th, 2014 13:10

Good suggestions. We'll probably stay away from ladders though, as that would be a huge risk. Good suggestions so far.

FPS by the way will stay where it is until further notice. If the field begins to favor tighter engagement distances with the renovations, perhaps we'll bring it down a notch. So far we haven't had any complaints or enough of them to drop the fps.

So here's the prob. We're open Wed-Sun. That gives us 2 days to make Ontario's greatest indoor airsoft field even better. We may have to shave our Wed and Thurs hours on the week we choose to unleash hell.

We may as well have another Grand Opening. Dish out some door prizes, free pizza for everyone, and maybe if there's time, we'll even play some airsoft!

We'll keep you posted, but keep the ideas coming in the meantime.

There is still our big announcement coming. We'll save that for the New Year.


Originally Posted by CLLouis (Post 1923728)
Possibility of building a two storey wood mansion across from the two storey building?

More two storey buildings interconnecting on building to another?

Access to second level in the existing two storey building instead of the ends (i.e. stairs in the middle/wood ladders)


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