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hot_shot under fire July 2nd, 2014 07:53

Going from Skirmish to Milsim material... One article at a time
G'morning gents!

After much deliberation I've decided to start a blog (Yes, I know... That's soooo 2009).

For those of you wondering what this blog is for;

This is a means for me to go more in-depth about my kit and the kits of the real-steel guys I’m modeling mine after. This, essentially is the “Theory” behind why things are the way they are. Why a weapon is set up a certain way with specific attachments, why pouches are placed a certain way on a kit, and why things aren’t just cool but useful. You can take a lot away from the theory behind setting up equipment to benefit you in real-world situations.

By reading my blog, I hope that I can teach those of you looking to learn how to situate your weapons and kits to best serve you in the field. To not hinder your abilities in simulated combat, but to augment them. Although the advice I will offer here may not work for every individual, I hope it will give you some valuable knowledge and insight none the less.

Cheers boys, and thank's for the support!

TCLP July 2nd, 2014 22:59

Nice. Would be easier if it was on Tumblr for me to follow but meh. I'll make sure I keep checking in. Keep up the good work.

FirestormX July 10th, 2014 18:55

Interesting blog. This is the kind of stuff I like reading about. :D

Spadona July 11th, 2014 12:56

Interesting tip about taping your pistol mags. Never thought about that. Keep up the good work!

likebutta July 18th, 2014 09:57

Bookmarked. Will read and look forward to more.

FOX_111 July 18th, 2014 10:14

Id did a quick skimming over your blog. Everything you say revolve around your weapons.

IMO, there is a ton more important stuff important to being efficient in a milsim than having a tailored weapon.

Will you talk about personal competences, team work and strategy?

hot_shot under fire July 18th, 2014 19:53

Thanks for the support everybody!


I will be getting around to all of that and more as time goes on. My goal right now is just to cover weapons and kit so the individual can square himself/herself away prior to hitting the field.

I may start a Youtube channel in conjunction with a friend of mine to go over some basic individual tactics geared towards streamlining basic movements and the like.

I'm just looking to start with the small stuff first, then I will get into the bigger picture :)

Brit ter July 18th, 2014 21:59

Long ways to go yet !

Reignman July 19th, 2014 01:16


Originally Posted by FOX_111 (Post 1901769)
Id did a quick skimming over your blog. Everything you say revolve around your weapons.

IMO, there is a ton more important stuff important to being efficient in a milsim than having a tailored weapon.

Will you talk about personal competences, team work and strategy?

I agree with Fox. What good is a weapon if you don't have the proper gear to last throughout the game. Rain gear is probably the most overlooked part of a players kit and it cripples people.

Interesting read none the less.

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