Airsoft Canada

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-   -   Taking too long to get Age Verified. - this user did not read the rules and FAQ's and started making racist comments/threats = how long to get banned before age verified. (

Switches June 4th, 2014 01:06

Taking too long to get Age Verified. - this user did not read the rules and FAQ's and started making racist comments/threats = how long to get banned before age verified.
I went to Toronto Airsoft last Saturday to get registered. Frank did it for me and he imputed the information on his computer.

I am still waiting as of now to get my age verified! How much longer do I have to wait until I am verified? It's in the system, so what's going on?

I await for a reply. Thanks.

nardac June 4th, 2014 01:28

Well, just so your aware, it's all volunteers. People are busy with real world, all I can say is be patient. People have waited a lot longer than you.

pestobanana June 4th, 2014 01:36

It's been three days, keep your pants on. It isn't uncommon for the process to take a month.

redzaku June 4th, 2014 01:36

Patience is a virtue, who knows, you complaining might make it even longer

UBE Chief June 4th, 2014 01:37

I think I waited for almost a month, but since I knew about the AVers being volunteers, I didn't utter a peep. I don't post much anyways, but it's always nice to see the secret spots, especially the Trash Bin, full of fun stuff x3

Drake June 4th, 2014 01:39

The more you fuss, the longer it takes.

I suggest you sit down and have a Kit Kat.

GBBR June 4th, 2014 01:45

it is fact that users complaining about age verification will not be able to see in the other age verified section

BioRage June 4th, 2014 09:02

Complaining already? Thinking about AV Status..

pusangani June 4th, 2014 09:18

BioRage June 4th, 2014 09:22

Kingsix June 4th, 2014 09:46


Originally Posted by Switches (Post 1893217)
I went to Toronto Airsoft last Saturday to get registered. Frank did it for me and he imputed the information on his computer.

I am still waiting as of now to get my age verified! How much longer do I have to wait until I am verified? It's in the system, so what's going on?

I await for a reply. Thanks.

Welcome to ASC

From what I remember 2-3 weeks they get put into the system in batches. It's actually faster then the government approving a PAL/RPAL and the government gets paid, ASC avers are volunteers.

- take the time to do research on guns, equipment etc..

PS. I dig the Black bullet avatar and C3Bu banner.

BioRage June 4th, 2014 09:53

LOL just realized that was Tina.

mzo June 4th, 2014 10:10

Took me about 5 weeks to get av'd and that's pretty good for a group of folks who volunteer their own time.

BloodSport June 4th, 2014 11:20

Some one has not read our forum rules. Age verification process time now = 3 months.

Armyissue June 4th, 2014 13:16

This is the AV process
and that's your name....

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