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FusionXylerion May 1st, 2014 04:20

Goggle Opinions?
Hi all,

I'm sorta new here. Been reading over the various things you fine folks have posted about the various goggles available and was hoping to get some help.
As I am just getting into the sport, and my eyes are important to me, I don't want to cheap out on eye pro.
I am looking at the following goggles:
Revision Desert Locust Goggle (
Smith OTW (
Oakley SI Ballistic Goggle 2.0 (
What are your opinions on these goggles? From what I've read, you guys seem to say good things about the Revisions and Smiths but I haven't heard much on the Oakleys.
Thanks in advance.

Demichev May 1st, 2014 04:27

Just bought myself a new pair ESS NVG. I had been looking at the Smith OTW as well but realized they are a no-go as the venting around the goggles don't offer any resistance to BB.

Cobrajr122 May 1st, 2014 07:20

The revisions are great, I love mine.
The only problem I have with them, is fog. I have ripped out the foam but I have no problem fogging the best of eye ware anyways, so I can't really fault the goggles for it.

airsoftmaniacman May 1st, 2014 11:48

Revision and ESS are definitely excellent choices. Both brands make a fan goggle, and those are even better.

Check eBay for a pair. You can usually find one in excellent condition for a low price.

FusionXylerion May 1st, 2014 18:49

Thanks for your responses guys. I'm thinking I may go with the Revisions.... Although I prefer the look of the Oakleys haha. I've read that getting some cat crap might be rather useful?
I was thinking about the fan version but I'm looking at a more tan camo scheme.

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Cobrajr122 May 1st, 2014 19:27

I would avoid Ebay when it comes to eyepro, too many fakes out there. Buy from a reputable dealer, or the source.

Cat crap and fogtech are the best anti forging treatments I have ever used.

BioRage May 1st, 2014 22:57


Originally Posted by Cobrajr122 (Post 1886519)
The revisions are great, I love mine.
The only problem I have with them, is fog. I have ripped out the foam but I have no problem fogging the best of eye ware anyways, so I can't really fault the goggles for it.

+1, so I got the fan one.

If you buy from Revision directly, use coupon "FANS" and get 30% off.

FusionXylerion May 2nd, 2014 02:28

Does that coupon apply only to the fan edition?

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BioRage May 2nd, 2014 10:25


Originally Posted by FusionXylerion (Post 1886720)
Does that coupon apply only to the fan edition?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Applies to all, go ahead and test it on the site, add to cart and add the coupon.

I figured why not just get the fans one, since the 30% off was appealing.

MADDOG May 2nd, 2014 10:47

1 Attachment(s)
I am surprised no one has mentioned this, the one biggest factor you can do to be fog free without anti fog spray or gel is get dual pane thermal lenses, only use goggle's that have this option available.

Fans are a help, but if it is really humid, only thermal lenses will provide a clear view. Only once or twice in 25 years plus have I had to use a fan with thermals and that was only when a full face mask was involved.

Revision has a thermal option in several colours (you still need to remove the vent foam on the bottom and top), all paintball goggles have this as an option. It is the first upgrade anyone should do before changing their guns. If you cannot see you cannot shoot. You will not regret it. There is a reason I still run cheap JT elite goggles with thermal lenses, they work, never fog and are lower profile than most paintball goggles but still far enough off your sweaty face to create airflow and can be used at any field.

If you insist on the look cool factor for your eyewear with single lense technology, all the better for me, you won't see me coming ;)

BioRage May 2nd, 2014 10:54


Originally Posted by MADDOG (Post 1886745)
I am surprised no one has mentioned this, the one biggest factor you can do to be fog free without anti fog spray or gel is get dual pane thermal lenses, only use goggle's that have this option available.

Fans are a help, but if it is really humid, only thermal lenses will provide a clear view. Only once or twice in 25 years plus have I had to use a fan with thermals and that was only when a full face mask was involved.

Revision has a thermal option in several colours (you still need to remove the vent foam on the bottom and top), all paintball goggles have this as an option. It is the first upgrade anyone should do before changing their guns. If you cannot see you cannot shoot. You will not regret it. There is a reason I still run cheap JT elite goggles with thermal lenses, they work, never fog and are lower profile than most paintball goggles but still far enough off your sweaty face to create airflow and can be used at any field.

If you insist on the look cool factor for your eyewear with single lense technology, all the better for me, you won't see me coming ;)

Hmm, my problem is that it DOESN'T fog, when I sweat with my helmet on indoors, my sweat drips into my googles, which makes it gross, and yeah.......

So after a game of cqb, usually microfiber it out.

Will look into the Thermal lens replacements, and debate between clear or smoke,

MADDOG May 2nd, 2014 11:05

I have the fan revision goggles with a clear and yellow thermal lense and they are good, especially for helmets. I just don't like the way the straps are extended way beyond the sides of the goggles for this exact use.

When you use them without a helmet it looks like your head is really wide :), they have much more width than JT elites.

BioRage May 2nd, 2014 11:07


Originally Posted by MADDOG (Post 1886751)
I have the fan revision goggles with a clear and yellow thermal lense and they are good, especially for helmets. I just don't like the way the straps are extended way beyond the sides of the goggles for this exact use.

When you use them without a helmet it looks like your head is really wide :), they have much more width than JT elites.

Haha, thanks for the input. So you noticed with the thermal lens + fan = big differences over just the normal fan?


MADDOG May 2nd, 2014 11:10


Originally Posted by BioRage (Post 1886752)
Haha, thanks for the input. So you noticed with the thermal lens + fan = big differences over just the normal fan?


Big difference, I could not use them without the thermals and foam removed the fan is not that powerful but it does work. If my JT's ever get scratched these are my go too backup because they work

BioRage May 2nd, 2014 11:17


Originally Posted by MADDOG (Post 1886753)
Big difference, I could not use them without the thermals and foam removed the fan is not that powerful but it does work. If my JT's ever get scratched these are my go too backup because they work

Thanks, ordered mine just now in clear!

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