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EskimoSamurai April 7th, 2014 23:00

Speaker idea?
Soo for jokes I've come up with an idea. I want to run a microswitch under my trigger to a chirp speaker at the front of my rifle, every time I pull the trigger it would make a sound (pew pew..meow meow..bang etc) Would be looking to do the same sort of thing with a flashlight for cqb, pull the trigger and the enemy gets "lit up". My only problem is I know nothing of circuit boards so I don't know how to get the sound idea going, the flashlight idea I've pretty much got down pat.

Thanks advance for the help guys!

Jaco14 April 8th, 2014 00:13

The flash light idea is kind of lame, you intend to shoot and "blind" another player with a flash of light.
I have seen many YouTube videos of cqb games where people use strobe lamps and it becomes speedball/ who has the brightest strobe competition.
Put it this way, You probably wouldn't like it much if someone figured out how to wire up a big 12v search lamp into their gun and shot/"blinded" you with it

EskimoSamurai April 8th, 2014 08:53

a very valid point, this is for some night gaming though, I don't think I'd be too impressed being tagged by a beam of light either lol. What about the chirp speaker idea, any input there? thats more what I'm looking for

SuperHog April 8th, 2014 18:54


Originally Posted by EskimoSamurai (Post 1881385)
Soo for jokes I've come up with an idea. I want to run a microswitch under my trigger to a chirp speaker at the front of my rifle, every time I pull the trigger it would make a sound (pew pew..meow meow..bang etc) Would be looking to do the same sort of thing with a flashlight for cqb, pull the trigger and the enemy gets "lit up". My only problem is I know nothing of circuit boards so I don't know how to get the sound idea going, the flashlight idea I've pretty much got down pat.

Thanks advance for the help guys!

Lots of toys guns at Walmart that make all kinds of sounds when you pull the trigger. You could rip out the sound board from these toys guns and stick it into your airsoft gun for sound effects.

Jaco14 April 8th, 2014 19:17

Problem with those toys is they might be too quiet to be heard over the sound of the gearbox without some kind of amplifier circuit

I've heard of people using the guts from those custom sound playing t-shirts and loading their own sounds for projects

But activating the sounds using the guns trigger mechanism without frying the board could be difficult and adding in an amplifier circuit
Will be a drain on your battery

I'll have have to think about the best way to isolate the voltage from the trigger contacts to activate something like that without damaging the gun/ sound device

HeadlessChicken April 8th, 2014 19:42

Doesn't TM have that for their new VSR-10s?

ccyg8774 April 9th, 2014 13:45

I have a bottle opener that can "record" a short sound and play the sound when anything metal (bottle cap) touches the metal opener parts and complete the circuit. You can try getting one of this from dollar store and use the circuit.


Get an Arduino Micro or Mini, a passive buzzer, and start to write the sound you want into an AC signal (this can be diffcult depends on what sound you want).

Scouser April 9th, 2014 14:16

wire it to a pair of 2w bass speakers, itll be plenty loud enough and very programmable

Drake April 9th, 2014 14:22

Look here:

As for making your own, anything louder than those walmart toys is going to be big and heavy and you end up with ^

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