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Bigload April 6th, 2014 17:04

M9 PTP Holster opinions
Hi guys,

I am looking for a holster for the M9 PTP. Looking for feedback from those that have used / tried various setups.

Which brand would you avoid?

Which brand would last?

I am looking for something that is simple and not a drop leg (too cumbersome for me).


Regulator April 6th, 2014 18:59

M9 PTP Holster
I run mine in a Serpa holster. I love it. Fits perfectly. You can run on a belt, molle or dropleg. Just need adapters.

Bigload April 6th, 2014 19:22

Which model is it? How do you carry it?

I am thinking of putting in either on a belt or on my rig in the front.

What adapters are you referring to?

redzaku April 6th, 2014 19:48

Great and bad thing about the serpa holsters are the ability to attach to MOLLE with the use of these,1239,82.htm,1240,82.htm,772,82.htm
But in my opinion is that the quick detach model is too bulky

MaybeStopCalling April 6th, 2014 21:00

I ran mine in a Safariland SLS, the 6285 in particular. Solid duty holster, it treats your gun well with a nice lining, and I've never had my sidearm stolen off of me with it... the Serpa is another story.

Bigload April 11th, 2014 12:34

I ended up with a BlackHawk Belt / Paddle Holster.
Fitment is snug and left some unwanted marks on my slide.
Had to put some electrical tape inside the holster to prevent it from happening.

airsoftjunky April 12th, 2014 14:28

I have what I think is a rebranded Blackhawk holster for my M9. I love it. Only problem is I had the mag fall out a few times while using it. I don't understand this, or why it happened, as I see no possible way that the mag release button was getting bumped. I run it on my belt.

Bigload April 13th, 2014 19:53

If you look inside the holster, there are marks where the mag release is. Sand that part of the holster down a little with a dremel or a fine grid sand paper.

airsoftjunky April 14th, 2014 23:04


Originally Posted by Bigload (Post 1882717)
If you look inside the holster, there are marks where the mag release is. Sand that part of the holster down a little with a dremel or a fine grid sand paper.

I really do not see how the holster can possibly be pushing the button, as I really have to use a lot of force to bend the holster in that far, however, I will try what you say. If it works, I owe you! :) Perhaps i should just cut that little bit of plastic away entirely? Or does that just leave the mag release button all that more vulnerable? (I'm talking the very little bit of plastic around the button, no extra).

FusionXylerion May 7th, 2014 22:53

Hey guys, instead of making a new thread I thought I would just ask here. I'm looking for a dropleg holster for my M9 PTP but in tan I'm thinking (to go with A-TACS AU). I personally like the Blackhawk style ones and was wondering where I might find one?

Drunk_Albertan May 7th, 2014 23:51

5.11 tactical in Calgary on Manchester road has some good stuff.

FusionXylerion May 8th, 2014 03:20

Hmmmmm... Quick google search doesn't reveal any website/store info, unless I misread something. Will look into that farther tomorrow.

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FirestormX May 8th, 2014 09:26

My understanding is that the blackhawk SERPA holsters only support railed M9s on their duty holsters.

You'll want the holsters for the M9/M9A1 since the PTP has rails. Neither the Beretta 92 nor 96 are railed, and neither will fit the KWA M9 PTP.

This is the level 2 duty holster:,1172,1412.htm

FusionXylerion May 8th, 2014 12:20

Actually, the M9 PTP has no rails while the M9 Tactical PTP has rails. So all I'm looking for is one that will support the a M9 without rails. Although, if the holster supports both a M9 and a M9A1 it should work with either.

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FirestormX May 8th, 2014 18:09

Ah, my bad, thanks for the correction.

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