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p0nch3 April 1st, 2014 16:48

Xortech chrono not registering shots?
Okay wasn't sure where this was supposed to go but like the title says, have the x3200 and while I'm trying to chrono my guns, sometimes it doesn't register the BB going through. It does this every few shots but I know it's not me Hitting the sides or anything because I can still get the "tout" reading. I don't know of it's because I'm shooting it in the dark (it's in a box I use as a target) or if it's something else

lurkingknight April 1st, 2014 16:56

What happens when you shoot through it with more light? would be the obvious question and test. They are light related sensors that take the readings.

p0nch3 April 1st, 2014 17:37

It does work better, still misses the odd one but a larger portion are being read. Probably should have tried that first

lurkingknight April 1st, 2014 23:30

fresh batteries might help as well... either that or you mangled up one of the sensors with a off centered shot or bb debris is blocking a sensor.

Darklen April 1st, 2014 23:45

"Tout" means you're missing one or the other sensor (target out). I use the X3200 in my range and this happens a lot with people unfamiliar with the unit. There's nothing wrong with the chrono. Just adjust the muzzle so you're shooting straight and level.

slowbird April 2nd, 2014 07:13

This happens with my Chrono as well. (same model).

I find it helps to not shoot straight down the centre of the chrono but to tilt the muzzle upwards a little. So that you are aiming a tiny bit upwards.

p0nch3 April 2nd, 2014 11:32

Oh tout I know about. I get those. But the problem I was having was Id shoot bbs through and nothing would show up on the screen. Like know reading was being shown

Sequential April 3rd, 2014 16:47

Happens when you shoot the leds out.

It won't read comes on and shows no reading.

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