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bobsanto March 6th, 2014 13:27

Do you know any place where I can have this airsoft gun custom made for me?
I found a picture of this airsoft AEG M4A1 rifle I want but I cant find it anywhere, and I can't build it because I can't find the parts for it. I was wondering if you know any place where I just bring them the blueprints/design and they make the gun for me from scratch. I want the gun to be plastic NOT METAL, exactly like this one.

notes about the gun:

-Every part of the gun is plastic, the receiver is smoke clear plastic.

-The barrel, handguards, and grenade launcher are all permanently fixed together as one piece.

-The grenade launcher doesn't function and is just for looks

kaiu March 6th, 2014 13:33

Why not just get a standard M4 AEG with rail handguards, and an airsoft m203 mounted ?

It would be cheaper than getting one custom made.

If just for looks, cheap shitty M4 AEG ~$100 or less, ~$150 for airsoft m203.

K3vX March 6th, 2014 13:43

Hahaha, that's like that rifle from Canadian Tire, all plastic, will break soon, nice one!

...wait, I hope you're not serious.

Danke March 6th, 2014 13:45

Wow if they make it exactly like that it'll be tiny.

Are you arming a hamster?


Originally Posted by bobsanto (Post 1873836)
I found a picture of this airsoft AEG M4A1 rifle I want but I cant find it anywhere, and I can't build it because I can't find the parts for it. I was wondering if you know any place where I just bring them the blueprints/design and they make the gun for me from scratch. I don't want a metal gun, I want it to look EXACTLY like this one.

notes about the gun:

-Every part of the gun is plastic, the receiver is smoke clear plastic.

-The barrel, handguards, and grenade launcher are all permanently fixed together as one piece.

-The grenade launcher doesn't function and is just for looks

shinobii March 6th, 2014 13:48

It needs to be at least 3x bigger!


Originally Posted by Danke (Post 1873843)
Wow if they make it exactly like that it'll be tiny.

Are you arming a hamster?

bobsanto March 6th, 2014 14:27

I still want this gun, I don't care if it's plastic, where can I get it made for me?

TANNER March 6th, 2014 14:30

What is it about this particular gun that you are so taken by? I think we would all like to know.

redneck12 March 6th, 2014 14:37

No one is going to tell you where to buy that POS, you are not AV'd therefore its against forum rules to tell you. If you are even remotely going to play airsoft do not buy the clearsoft junk you will just end up asking your mommy to buy you a new one before the game is up.

Danke March 6th, 2014 15:00


Originally Posted by shinobii (Post 1873844)
It needs to be at least 3x bigger!

If you rub it it turns into briefcase.

redzaku March 6th, 2014 15:10

make it for you? where is the fun in that? build it yourself

FirestormX March 6th, 2014 15:13

I hope it won't be used to shoot up a centre for ants!

bobsanto: honestly, the fact that it's clear plastic with non-functional furniture, is what's going to make this hard to find parts to build this. I don't think there's a company that will mould this for you, for less than the cost of a proper metal one. Not to mention you'll need to source the internals to make it shoot.

The closest you'll be able to get, is to get a non-clear plastic M4, or a tinted lower receiver M4s, with functional stock and rail. Then attach an M203 to it. The M203 may or may not be functional, but it will likely be an M203 that was functional at some point in the past.

One solution would be to go to Walmart, and buy one of those clearsoft M4s for the base gun. Then tape a few toilet paper rolls together, wrap some pipe cleaners around it to create the bumps, and then spray paint it all black.

But to answer your question: you probably won't find any place to build you a clear plastic gun.

bobsanto March 6th, 2014 15:14

This was the first gun I ever shot. It belonged to a friend of mine, he won it at a name draw, I can't find this gun anywhere, which is why I want it made for me

FirestormX March 6th, 2014 15:26

Do you plan to continue to shoot it or play with it? Or just keep it for nostalgia?
It's not a gun that will be able to keep itself from dying for very long.

You're far better off with saving some money and buying a higher quality/functional gun and M203, than blowing all that money for someone to try make that for you.

Jimski March 6th, 2014 15:38


I hope it won't be used to shoot up a centre for ants!

DustMagnet March 6th, 2014 15:40


Originally Posted by K3vX (Post 1873841)
Hahaha, that's like that rifle from Canadian Tire, all plastic, will break soon, nice one!

...wait, I hope you're not serious.

Actually, BLANK PLACE lists that exact rifle on their website...

"War Inc M4 AEG Rifle with Mock Grenade Launcher"

So... bobsanto is a troll, or is 12, or just has some weak Google-fu.

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