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erietdyk February 23rd, 2014 17:47

Canadian Police Sidearms?
Hey all,

I'm going into policing, and I'm currently in Police Foundations. I wanted to get an airsoft sidearm to help familiarize myself with what I'd more than likely be using in the force, but I can't seem to find a definitive answer anywhere as to what that may be. I'm shooting for getting into the OPP, but I've had about 6 different answers as to what they use as their primary sidearm. So far, this is what I've heard:

- Glock 17/19
- SIG P226/229
- Beretta 92
- S&W Model 5906

So, does anyone actually know what OPP, or police in general, use as a sidearm in Canada? Better yet, are there any cops that'd be able to chime in? I've already got a WE G17, and if it's a Glock I'd be using, I think I'd order myself a KSC G17/G19. Otherwise, I don't know what I'd get.

cetane February 23rd, 2014 18:03

Every time I have been near enough to York or Durham officers to see their pistols they have been glocks. $0.02....

Scouser February 23rd, 2014 18:06

In Winnipeg most have glocks, though a buddy of mine has special permission to use a Springfield instead, glock doesn't fit his hands right

lurkingknight February 23rd, 2014 18:08

I've read montreal police used at some point the walther p99 compact, maybe they still do.

Haven't seen an opp constable up close in a while to get a good look at the service piece... last time I saw one was old cam wooley way back when, when he used to visit the schools out in the middle of no where... I believe I saw the old .38 on him, which is kinda irrelevant now :P

K3vX February 23rd, 2014 18:11

Some place in Quebec uses the Walther P99, DAO if I'm right. Glock are also seen often.

Edit: I've been sniped by above poster :P Just googled a little: SPVM (Montreal city) and Quebec City's police uses P990 (P99 DAO), SQ normally uses the Glock 17.

redneck12 February 23rd, 2014 18:11

I know the OPP in my town carry S&W 5906's.

skalnok February 23rd, 2014 18:15

the OPP use a sig p226(p229) double action only

Jagd February 23rd, 2014 18:15


Originally Posted by lurkingknight (Post 1870714)
I've read montreal police used at some point the walther p99 compact, maybe they still do.

QFT...yup that's what they have!

R.T Plissken February 23rd, 2014 18:17

OPP I've seen carry the Sig Sauer P226 with local police around here rocking the Glock 17's

R.I.T.Z February 23rd, 2014 18:23

seen barrie PD with glocks

erietdyk February 23rd, 2014 18:27

Wow, awesome quick replies, guys!


Originally Posted by Scouser (Post 1870711)
In Winnipeg most have glocks, though a buddy of mine has special permission to use a Springfield instead, glock doesn't fit his hands right

That's interesting - so far I've been told I'll be using whatever is issued to me, but if I had a choice, I'd be going with a 1911 because of the size of my hands. The Glock 17 is nice and all, but the 1911 is what fits me the best and what I feel most comfortable using.

Seems to me the general consensus here is that I'll be using either a Glock or a P226.

Most people recommend either a Tokyo Marui or a KSC when choosing a Glock, with the KSC coming out on top as far as reliability goes, and the TM coming out on top as far as accuracy goes, but if I were to buy a P226, what would be the smartest option? I know there are lots of people who love the System 7 GBB pistols, so it may be another choice for KSC as far as that goes, but I'd like to hear some opinions if people are interested in giving them.

erietdyk February 23rd, 2014 18:50


Originally Posted by -Skeletor- (Post 1870726)
From talking with Police Officers I know, you've wasted your money by taking that course. Would have been better taking another course(doesn't need to be security/law related).

What are you hoping to gain from playing with a airsoft pistol? As well, the police will train and qualify you on their service pistol. People with zero firearms experience do this, and pass. If you want to really famil yourself with firearms, get your PAL/RPAL and purchase a firearm.

Are you going to mention on your application or interviews that you've gotten familiar with a airsoft copy of that departments pistol?

You should continue to expect to use whatever they will give you. If for some reason, a agency allows you to use another firearm I am sure it would have to be something they approve and most likely use the same ammo as the service pistol. The Police Officers I know, use what is issued, none of mentioned being allowed to use their own pistol.

I'm going to reply first by saying, wow, who pissed in your cheerios this morning?

Having said that, I knew going into it that PoFo wasn't required for policing, but I had close to zero law experience, even with my two prior diplomas. Having been in the course for close to half a year now, it's proven to give me a huge amount of knowledge on the subject, and I don't consider it a waste of time or money at all.

What I'm hoping to gain is a familiarity with whatever particular pistol I may be issued. It'd give me an advantage come Police College time if I know whichever pistol I get issued, how to disassemble it, and how well it fits my hands.

I do expect to use whatever is issued, I just found it a neat point.

And let me finalize my reply with a question: Do you have any friends? I'd guess not. Try getting some and you may be less of a prick.

ShelledPants February 23rd, 2014 18:57

erietdyk February 23rd, 2014 18:59


Originally Posted by ShelledPants (Post 1870739)

If he wants to dish it out, he can take it too. Being a "gold member" doesn't mean shit.

pancakedestroyer February 23rd, 2014 19:05

You do realize that during your application process (if you even get accepted, because that isn't a guarantee) everything you've posted on here can, could and most likely will be brought up.

Going after your PAL and RPAL is a far better option than getting an airsoft pistol. Get a real one, snap caps, a range membership and develop and build on fundamental shooting skills.

That being said, police foundation courses are no replacement for life experience. Almost all agencies want some level of post secondary but they want someone with life experience more. School doesn't teach you how to interact with people, shrug off statements made with attitude, or respond reasonably when it's easy to hand back attitude to another individual.

Training with a real pistol is going to be more beneficial than an airsoft one.

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