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AnthB December 25th, 2013 23:26

LF new sniper rifle
Well, it's Christmas and I feel like I need to treat myself to something nice. I'm looking for a medium - high quality sniper rifle either bolt action or something that I can turn into a DMR like a Dragonov. Gas / electric or spring, I have not decided on anything but only that I want a nice sniper rifle. I have a two hundred dollar ASG rifle and I don't think that would be a platform that I would want to upgrade on. To be honest I want to do very little upgrading on it and would like to be able to play right out of the box.

Any and all suggestion will be greatly appreciated.

Oh , Merry Christmas !

ccyg8774 December 26th, 2013 01:23

Maybe, decide on gas/electric/spring first before looking for recommendations?
What do you want to get from this gun?
Longer range? (You don't have to have a sniper rifle/DMR to get that.)
Accuracy? (You don't have to have a sniper rifle/DMR either.)
Higher FPS limit than assault rifles?
Or just the feeling of becoming a "sniper" ?
Extra weight for your arm?

How was your experience with bolt action?
(not to your ASG gun, but how do you feel about playing with a BA rifle, rely on stealth, taking shots carefully, and being suppressed easily if you don't?)

And, merry Christmas.

AnthB December 26th, 2013 09:06

Well after doing some reading I think i'd prefer a gas gun. The higher fps will allow me to use heavier bb's and yes I do enjoy the stealthier approach. We have a bunch of guys doing the run n gun thing and I think it would be pretty funny to pick them off without them even knowing where I am. Usually I'm a sniper in all the video games I play (BF4 and .... :S COD. But I wont be putting a red dot and a laser on for "quickscoping" lol)

I just want a really nice quality, inside and out gas sniper rifle. I think I am leaning for towards a bolt action just because its really satisfying to hit a guy with just one shot. I hope this kind of helps with my question.

Strelok December 26th, 2013 11:09

If you're going gas. I would look into getting the magazines tapped for an HPA system, even though that sounds silly. You trade off consistency with the benefits you get from a gas system. Temperature can affect your shot easily, and usually for the worst, and lack of consistency in a sniper rifle is the last thing you'll ever need.

Using an HPA system that you can regulate will allow for consistency, while maintaining the quieter report, easy bolt pull and etc.

If you're looking for a gas platform. Tanaka's have always been a choice for people, but they're a pain to get these days. Look into getting the current gen line of KJW M700's and a couple 'high capacity' magazines that you can rig up for HPA. The guns currently have a VSR-10 compatable hopup chamber and barrel assembly, which is much more ideal than their previous hop system.

Overall, just bear in mind you're not entirely getting a huge advantage over other players by using a sniper rifle. As I mentioned before, most upgrades put into a rifle are for consistency, being able to do consistent follow up shots without having to worry about the bb flying astray. Sniping isn't as exciting as it might seem in video games when it comes into airsoft. So please keep that in mind! Its a totally different ballgame.

ccyg8774 December 26th, 2013 11:59

You may not be that new... But have you read this?

AnthB December 29th, 2013 23:48

Yeah I've read that a couple time and like I said I have a cheaper sniper and I don't mind sitting in one spot. I was looking at a RS Dragunov or the G&G M14 EBR. I know either of them are BA or gas but I feel like having a gas rifle would just end up being harder on a newer sniper. Just wondering if these guns are worth the price and near good to go out of the box .

ThunderCactus December 30th, 2013 20:53

bolt action springs are the more repeatable and reliable airsoft guns out there, not to mention accurate.
the marui VSR-10 is probably THE best platform to build a sniper rifle

Swattiger December 30th, 2013 21:32


Originally Posted by AnthB (Post 1857052)
Yeah I've read that a couple time and like I said I have a cheaper sniper and I don't mind sitting in one spot. I was looking at a RS Dragunov or the G&G M14 EBR. I know either of them are BA or gas but I feel like having a gas rifle would just end up being harder on a newer sniper. Just wondering if these guns are worth the price and near good to go out of the box .

I own both and they are all good out of the box. Only thing is they are a bit too heavy and long to be carried around especially in dense wood.

I recently bought the TM VSR G Spec which was upgraded to shoot 400FPS. Very light weight and easy to carry around. Still have not gamed it yet.

But I will probably stick with the first 2 guns, as you fire the follow up shots much quicker.

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