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MatthewRyan December 12th, 2013 23:46

MP7 owners

I just recently picked up a KWA MP7 and it's been hard to keep my hands off it since. I installed the npas and hopefully it will be good to go once I game it. I'm currently running as a one point sling. I've seen rare cases that the loop on the body will snap. Has this happened to any of you ? Should I just get a sling mount for the upper rail?

Much appreciated

Any other things I should watch out for please let me know.


hollywood... December 12th, 2013 23:52

the loop on the body WILL break!
get the rail mount 1 point

MatthewRyan December 12th, 2013 23:54

Thank you for the quick reply. I take even if you use both rear points together both will end up failing. Thanks again

xav1982 December 13th, 2013 09:00

Get the rail mount...

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

BioRage December 13th, 2013 09:26

Yuck, not a fan of NPAS.


You can also call into KWAUSA and order spare parts, etc from them, they will ship directly to you.

You can also dremel the retractable stock in places you would like it to stay, so... if you follow the same spots as the first and last one, you can add them in between to suit your needs.

IE: But dremel it yourself.

Also consider a maple leaf hop up rubber =)

vink December 13th, 2013 09:35

I found the CQB Bolt to be inconsistent. Mine was shooting 390 on the regular bolt and 370 on the CQB bolt. A buddy was getting 330 on his.

BioRage December 13th, 2013 10:29


Originally Posted by vink (Post 1854208)
I found the CQB Bolt to be inconsistent. Mine was shooting 390 on the regular bolt and 370 on the CQB bolt. A buddy was getting 330 on his.

Really? Hmm I find NPAS's to be inconsistent, and CQB bolt gave me a sold 330 FPS, maybe it was something your gun.

mzo December 13th, 2013 12:41

The NPAS on my MP7 has been consistent for me, except it shoots in the 295 fps range (at the highest setting). Wish the fps wouldn't drop so low with the NPAS.

Also thanks for asking about the loop on the body since I am using that as well for my attachment. Time to get a rail mounted loop.

Danke December 13th, 2013 14:29

I've had a loop of paracord through mine since it launched a few years ago.

What really kills the loops is forcing the mash hook for your sling into them. Then the death clock really starts ticking.

MatthewRyan December 13th, 2013 23:23

Right now I have a strong piece of string around it and my sling attached to the string obviously. I guess I'll save myself the head ache and get the rail mount.

Mandalore December 13th, 2013 23:29

If you really want to get wild, try to find the Falcon extended inner barrel with hop-up rubber. I clicked to get notified on its restock, and got one last year. Threw on a suppressor over it and the thing is terrific!

MatthewRyan December 19th, 2013 01:14


I've heard from a couple of people that the npas can possibly crack the outer pins.
If so would it be possible to order the body for a possible replacement?
Other then that NPAS works great just slightly moves minor fps change.

Debrief December 19th, 2013 01:20

What do you mean by "crack the outer pins"? I had a NPAS equipped MP7 that eventually developed cracks in the bolt. Can't confirm if it was linked to the NPAS, though.

MatthewRyan December 19th, 2013 01:24

The outer pins where you would punch out to get to the bolt. I have been told by some MP7 owners due to the npas pushing the excess gas to the back. It could possibly crack those body pins that retain the bolt.

Danke December 19th, 2013 01:32

The pins are steel The wont crack.

Strip the gun down too often or put one in that's not properly lined up you may have an issue if you're unlucky.

2 main issues with KWA/KSC MP7s. Swollen hopup rubber from too much oil. Double feeds or a whole stack of BBs stuffed in the barrel. Nozzle damage or mashed return springs for the nozzle.

Otherwise for the average player they're Timex tough.

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