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Triple6 September 18th, 2005 10:16

What is going on
Where have all the Ottawa sites gone?
I am new to airsoft, been in paintball for years. So right now I am arming myself, I have all the guns I need for now... and was interested in starting to play. But it seems that Ottawa is in a crash sequence... First it was ASO and now I notice that Foxden is gone too.

They seem to be dropping like flies.

Sgt_Lynch September 18th, 2005 10:30

Server probly went down, and they are most likely moving.

Digital_Assasin September 18th, 2005 11:12

I may be mistaken, but I am pretty sure that Airsoft Ottawa is/was on the same server as ASC. So they will probally be back up in a bit/while depending on how much recovery work there is.

MMMiles! September 18th, 2005 11:33

AirsoftOttawa is on my server, something went funky when we moved. Nothing is lost, I'm just trying to figure out what's wrong. ETA soon!

MMMiles! September 18th, 2005 11:45

For some reason, it's still pointing to the old server. I'm not sure why it's the only site that didn't move properly...

Lisa September 18th, 2005 11:48

Foxden is apperantly under hack attempt right now. Why some one would go after that server I don't know, but I guess it's like some kids spraypainting on walls.

PsychoSpy September 18th, 2005 11:51

If anyone running any of the airsoft servers needs some tech/security help at any point, or to bounce problems off someone - PM me as I'm more than willing to volunteer time to help the community get and stay online and safe.

If you're wondering what my background is to offer this support up - PM me and I'll discuss in private.

foxtail September 18th, 2005 12:57

I have been getting hacked by a group that calls them selves "the outlaw group"

I am currently working on making things a little tighter. even though I only know a little bit.

Sgt_Lynch September 19th, 2005 13:40

Seems they are under investigation for hacking the St. Mary's University website.

Alot of effort, for no real gain.. and legal issues to boot. Sounds like a bunch of idiots to me.

MMMiles! September 19th, 2005 13:41 is back online, btw.

PsychoSpy September 19th, 2005 14:01

all that can be said about that group is... SCRIPT KIDDIES... It's pretty clear they know basically nothing about what they're doing or how they're doing it (beyond run program A to get into server B).. Stupid kids..

Lisa September 19th, 2005 14:59

Talking with Foxtail we've come to the conclusion that a cheap router will help secure his system as he'll be able to block most of the ports not needed (yes I know this can be done software wise but a hardware firewall is preferable in this instance). If anyone has one in their closet that they're not using anymore and want to help out an airsoft site, feel free to contact Foxtail and let him know.

midgetspy September 19th, 2005 15:17

While foxden may have been a scripted attack, calling Outlaw Group script kiddies is a bit ignorant. Hacking gets you a little bit more notoriety than that :0)


PsychoSpy September 19th, 2005 15:34

Me? Ignorant.. no.. heh.. Considering the hacks were of previously known security issues that Microsoft failed to patch themselves against and for which exploit scripts already existed..

MadMorbius September 20th, 2005 09:29

Don't feel like you're being targetted's just an exploitable server that's come to their attention, probably using google dorks. Do yourself a favor and get all patched up, or I might be calling you up to shut down a phish site you may not know about ;)

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